Daily Creativity: BatRAWR! Rory as Batman

Daily Creativity: BatRAWR! Rory as BatmanDaily Creativity: BatRAWR! Rory as Batman

May I introduces BatRAWR! The world’s cutest detective!

Tonight a friend was hosting a Paint the Night (ish) even online. We all got together to paint or do something creative (some did crafts, some wrote, some designed games), and raise money for MS. You can donate to Janelle’s team by clicking here BTW. So I painted Rory as the caped crusader. Part because I saw Lego Batman this week and loved it, and part because I haven’t painted Rory yet this lent. I drew him, but not painted. I painted in watercolor because I think they look best for this type of piece, Rory as a superhero.

Daily Creativity: Cross of St Brigid

Daily Creativity: Cross of St BrigidDaily Creativity: Cross of St Brigid

Happy St Patrick’s Day, so of course I dress the Cross of St Brigid. I’ve done this before, but this time I wanted to add some color. I drew this with pencils and colored pencils. Growing up this cross was hanging in a few places, in my Grandma’s house, and in our own home. More than because my sister is named Brigid, though I know her adornments have something to do with that connection. Also because there are three patron saints of Ireland, and Patrick, the most famous, wasn’t born there. As the Irish PM reminded us today, he was an immigrant. Brigid and Columba were born there, and Brigid is the only one who also died there. I love the cross too, the interwoven palms that form the cross. It’s simple and meaningful, like my favorite things of the culture Grandma raised us with.

Celebrating St Paddy’s up here in Canada is interesting. Catholicism is the dominant religion in Canada, a stark contrast to the USA. Granted, a good percentage of those Catholics are French. Yet the Irish descendent population is much smaller than the USA, and that is counting the big Irish population in Quebec. So Paddy’s day is celebrated pretty much everywhere (in my experience the most thin was in Nova Scotia, gee, wonder why? :) ).

Getting into any Irish pub is tricky. Last year, we didn’t make it, this year we went during the day, after lunch, and still had to wait 30-45minutes for a table. It wasn’t too bad though, the beer was flowing and the pipes and drums were playing. I did notice however that the pub was pretty generic in the sense that they had nothing about counties, religion, or even football clubs. Many patrons and workers seemed to think of the day as green mardi gras. It’s great to have that excitement, but sometimes it is a bit strange to see. Coming from NY where Paddy’s day is a bit different, celebrated by all, but a lot less irreverent to the culture behind it. At one point today while talking with a friend of mine after she commented on all my green, saying I looked Irish today*. I laughed about being Irish every day, a stranger who seemed to want in on our conversation says “I’m actually Irish.” I nod and say “Yeah, me too. County Armagh.” He stopped, stammered, and said “Oh, I’m like maybe 10 percent.” I smiled and said nothing, it’s not a competition or a one up game. Just sometimes people remember heritage on a party day, and that’s fine.

*Grandma used to say, if you can’t tell I’m Irish by looking at me, you don’t deserve to know. And that always made me giggle. Granted she looked more stereotypical Irish than me, and wasn’t as black Irish looking, and well when asked, she really was Irish, just not descended. In truth, when people ask me what I am I say American. Especially now that I’m an immigrant and my cultural identity is more American than anything else, and I think that would make Grandma really happy. She wanted to raise her children as American, not Irish. So while I was raised with the culture of my immigrant grandparents (Irish and German) my culture is American. Many Americans don’t see that as a culture, but when you leave America, you become very aware of it.

Daily Creativity: Holi Festival 2017

Daily Creativity: Holi Festival 2017Daily Creativity: Holi Festival

The Holi Festival always fills me with happiness. I wrote a bit more about it last year, and really love it more than just because it’s pretty and full of bright colors. Though bright colors are always fun. Holi is about love, and moving beyond the imaginary boundaries that might lie between people. I think this year especially we can all look to India and be reminded that we should love, we should love all people and let them into our hearts. It’s hard to do for some, but the most miserable among us need love the most. I think Jesus would be on board with that, I think there is something about love being needed when people are lashing out at others. It’s the hardest thing to wrap your head around, to give love to those who are giving hate. I’m still working on that.

Pastels and ink on blue colored pastel cardstock.