Nutty Bites Dog Days 12: Nutty Chats with JRD Skinner

CoverArtDD1512Nutty chats with JRD Skinner from Flash Pulp about writing pulp, writing a longer novel, editing, and publishing. They also talk a little bit about the Mob.



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Daily Creativity: Skinner Co.

SkinnerCo_smTonight after Tek and I came home from volunteering and then supper I realized I was able to make it to one of the Mob Hangouts.  The Mob hangout is a virtual party for listeners of Flash Pulp, listeners of Flash Pulp are called the Flash Mob, or just simply the Mob.  Sometimes we watch movies, other times play games, and then tonight, we goofed off and were silly.

Towards the end I realized I didn’t do my Daily Creativity yet, so I started scribbling.  I had wanted to sketch out everyone in the hangout, but I ran out of space and time.  So I have JRD, JMay, & Opopanax, they make up Skinner Co.

It’s just a quick sketch, I wanted an impression of the faces so I could move on and get the next person.

Daily Creativity & Thankful Thursday: Colorado Joe

This thursday I am thankful for Colorado Joe (aka @jmctee on twitter) not only is he a great guy who keeps the conversation going but he is also a contributor to the FlashCasts for
He is the first (I think) to earn his own theme song, which is awesome and I want a full song version, on flash pulp. He is a major Flash Mob member and a supporter of many projects.  (and he is a bitstripper)

I have enjoyed his support in my Daily Creativity project, he always looks to see what I have made and comments at times (I know he views them all because he favorites my tweets I’m sure so he can look at it later) and it warms my heart to know that someone cares about my work so much.

A few weeks ago I created an Amazon Wish list for art supplies with the idea that if people wanted to support me with more than RTs they could help resupply me. Joe is the first to do so, and my first ever official patron! (outside of family members and my husband buying me supplies over the years, always thanks to them) but now I have an official patron and that gives Joe bragging rights. More than that though, with his contribution I feel validated, I feel like I am doing something worth while. I feel more fulfilled, and I find it hard not to gush “You like me, you really like me,” when I think about it.

So thank you Joe, and Joe, I’m thankful for you.

As for the Art, this is a Signature Nutty Pop Art, the first that I wasn’t asked to do and chose to do simply to surprise him. I hope you like it Joe.

Daily Creativity: Ruby & Rory

Rory peeking over Ruby's (from Flash Pulp) shoulder as she writes in her diary.
The crew from Flash Pulp (Podcast) said they wanted Rory done as some of their characters, but I just saw Rory looking over Ruby’s shoulder while she wrote about Zombie Survival.

I’m sure we will see Rory dressed as some of the characters as we go through this project, along with some other ideas other podcasters have given me.