Nutty (Nerdy) Bites 66: RWBY with Talk Nerdy 2 Me

CoverArt66Since the beginning of RWBY, Tek, Jen, Jason (of Talk Nerdy 2 Me), & I have been talking about doing a special episode to cover it, it’s finally here. With two seasons completed on the best new anime you need to watch, we recorded a special cross over episode we’d like to call Nerdy Bites, talking everything RWBY. Join us as we delve into a show we can’t stop geeking out about.



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Daily Creativity: Ruby & Rory

Rory peeking over Ruby's (from Flash Pulp) shoulder as she writes in her diary.
The crew from Flash Pulp (Podcast) said they wanted Rory done as some of their characters, but I just saw Rory looking over Ruby’s shoulder while she wrote about Zombie Survival.

I’m sure we will see Rory dressed as some of the characters as we go through this project, along with some other ideas other podcasters have given me.