Daily Creativity: Rory’s reaction to a Poke Ball & the beginning of ART MONTH!

RoryPokeBall3/1/14: Today Marks the Beginning of ART MONTH! Art month is a tradition I started where I make sure I create something every day. It is the month of March, but often goes for longer, because it’s also for the length of Lent too, it came from me taking this on as part of lent one year. (You don’t always give things up, but do things to help you focus on God. Art helps me drown out life and reflect.)

So I thought I’d start us off this year with a drawing of Rory, I thought I’d try to draw him as a pokemon, asked Tek what I would need to do to display that, and he said a poke ball.  Well Rory will have none of that!  How dare you try to contain a dragon?  Imprisonment?  He thinks not!  So this was Rory’s reaction to being a pokemon, SMASH THE POKE BALL!

Daily Creativity: Reclining

I first saw this post on tumblr by user flushedskin and knew I wanted to paint something with this as a guide.RecliningSM

I first worked on a study on my ipad and then tonight painting this with watercolors.  I had to modify it a bit since the original photo had a hand and phone in the way, but I think I did all right.  I ended up using my husband posting for me to figure out where the shoulder should be.

I love how soft this looks, like the coloring too.  There is something about the human form that I just love painting.

Daily Creativity: Summer 2013

Summer 2013This summer I painted this watercolor of different people and sizes swimming and having fun.  I love the idea of being comfortable in your skin and enjoying summer.

This is a watercolor painting in tabloid size.  Prints are available if anyone is interested.  I have the original hanging in my studio now.  It makes me smile every time I see it.

Daily Creativity: JG_Banks Pop Art!

JasonPOPsmMy good friend Jason of the Talk Nerdy 2 Me podcast, had a big bump in the road of life recently, so the Flash Mob (the fans/community of folks that listen to the Flash Pulp Podcast) got together to try and cheer him up.  This is my contribution, a pop art icon of him, I made it using an image I took of him, and with the suggestion of Tek I added the logo of his podcast to his t-shirt.  I sent him a Giclee Print of it before posting it here, so his surprise was first seen in the mail :)

Daily Creativity: Bloody Diamonds Fan Art!

Sara from Bloody DiamondsI love the band Bloody Diamonds, and for a while there was a running joke about how any time they came to town, I was out of town. It got so bad the one time I was in town and they were playing I was stuck at the radio station fixing the transmission and missed their show. Finally, I was able to see a show of theirs as a two piece (part of the stripped down tour), and then later with their new bandmates and got to hear the full sound of the band. Both shows were amazing, the second actually felt like I was getting a private show.  I only have interaction with Sara & Jake and they are both awesome people IMO.

Screen shot 2013-09-11 at 12.14.36 AMA few weeks ago I saw a tweet with a great shot of Sara by by Joeri Coppens, I liked the photo so much that I saved it for painting later.  I painted it a few days ago on my iPad.  I like how bright Sara is in contrast with the dark background.