Thankful Thursday: JRD Skinner

JRD SkinnerToday is Thankful Thursday and I am thankful to my second patron. This week I received a nice gift off my Art Re-Supply wish list from Mr JRD from Flash Pulp. JRD has helped encourage me in podcasting, writing and my art. Now he has put a few dollars to help further support me so I drew this portrait of him using the supplies he sent.

JRD is a great conversationalist on twitter, supports many creative projects and creative types of people and tends to be an all around good guy. Every person he has suggested I follow on twitter has turned out to be a gem and through his Flash Mob facebook group I have met a slew of online people that enrich my conversations, general knowledge and fun.

Look what came in the mail

Daily Creativity: Will Coffin

Will Coffin from Flash PulpI was originally going to draw a baby version of the Flash Pulp character Will Coffin, but then I thought about how I can’t imagine anyone letting a kid wear a hook around his neck and a leather coat… so I drew my mental version of him instead.

Again, I ask you to check out the stories on

Daily Creativity: Baby Mulligan & April Fish

Baby Mulligan Smith from Flash PulpAnother bit of Fan Art for We were discussing the idea of what some of the characters would have looked like as babies, so I started with a toddler version of Mulligan Smith. I always have an issue drawing children, they always look much older than I intend them to look. And yes, that is a slurpee in his bottle thank you very much.

You might notice I started dating my drawings. It’s something I saw Stanton Friedman do at the station the other day and it got me thinking it was a good idea. I think the date does more than just establish someone signed something, but when, when in their career. I though it was a nice touch, so I’m doing it now. Thoughts?


April Fool's Day Fish
Today is April Fool’s day, I hate pranks and I really don’t like the idea of tricks or people having a justified reason to pick on people. That said, I do enjoy a good Joke, like Google Maps having quest mode where you can look at the maps in 8bit, or the funny offerings at ThinkGeek (A K Cup that dispenses donuts? Priceless) Make sure you go and look up the Mass Effect Saturday Morning Cartoon on YouTube, that was awesome.

Years ago my husband explained to me the french custom (I don’t know if it is just Quebec or something they do in france too, but its part of his culture) of giving people fish on April First, so for the past few years I have honored this custom by drawing fish, here is this year’s fish.

Daily Creativity & Thankful Thursday: Colorado Joe

This thursday I am thankful for Colorado Joe (aka @jmctee on twitter) not only is he a great guy who keeps the conversation going but he is also a contributor to the FlashCasts for
He is the first (I think) to earn his own theme song, which is awesome and I want a full song version, on flash pulp. He is a major Flash Mob member and a supporter of many projects.  (and he is a bitstripper)

I have enjoyed his support in my Daily Creativity project, he always looks to see what I have made and comments at times (I know he views them all because he favorites my tweets I’m sure so he can look at it later) and it warms my heart to know that someone cares about my work so much.

A few weeks ago I created an Amazon Wish list for art supplies with the idea that if people wanted to support me with more than RTs they could help resupply me. Joe is the first to do so, and my first ever official patron! (outside of family members and my husband buying me supplies over the years, always thanks to them) but now I have an official patron and that gives Joe bragging rights. More than that though, with his contribution I feel validated, I feel like I am doing something worth while. I feel more fulfilled, and I find it hard not to gush “You like me, you really like me,” when I think about it.

So thank you Joe, and Joe, I’m thankful for you.

As for the Art, this is a Signature Nutty Pop Art, the first that I wasn’t asked to do and chose to do simply to surprise him. I hope you like it Joe.

Daily Creativity: Ruby & Rory

Rory peeking over Ruby's (from Flash Pulp) shoulder as she writes in her diary.
The crew from Flash Pulp (Podcast) said they wanted Rory done as some of their characters, but I just saw Rory looking over Ruby’s shoulder while she wrote about Zombie Survival.

I’m sure we will see Rory dressed as some of the characters as we go through this project, along with some other ideas other podcasters have given me.