Daily Creativity: My homage to the Traveling Totoro Family


I was inspired to draw my friends with their friends.  If you’re not following The Traveling Totoros on facebook then you are missing out on pictures that will brighten your day of little totoros doing random things.  They make me smile.  So I drew in little versions of their humans, @jdecorin & @scarredsoul in a scene from the movie with them.  I couldn’t put the whole family in there, but I got three of them, Cornelius, Amelia & Pip! This was drawn with ink on paper.

Daily Creativity: Rory in Kamae


I’ve been taking Aikido lately and was inspired to draw Rory in Kamae, and of course, he’s a green belt. This picture is ink on 9×12 marker paper, I really like using this paper when I use color, it doesn’t absorb the ink like other paper does so it ends up looking more like I originally intended. I find myself wanting more colors in my markers, but at $3 a pop I’m buying them slowly.

Daily Creativity: PodcastJunky’s Ban Hammer!

PodCastJunkyFlatsmThis is a mashup of Thor and PodcastJunky’s Ban Hammer! All sparked from a conversation on facebook, for the back story, read below. Ink on paper, then scanned and colored in photoshop.

I’m part of a group on facebook, the Podcast Community. It was created by mega podcast fan herself PodcastJunky. What makes this group different than many other groups I’ve found is the fact that you are not allowed to self promote in the group.  Many people argue with this rule but it is this rule that makes the group so useful.  Because people aren’t spamming the group with self promotion people can ask questions, get answers, and spark some awesome discussion. In the beginning of the group PodcastJunky wasn’t as diligent with the no self promotion rule and it got to the point that people who had contributed some really great conversation left over it.  Keeping the self promotion out of it has given me the opportunity to not only get some great information about podcasting, like the newest technology, ways to record, mixer help, software help, where to list my podcast and how to list it, but when I had very specific problems the people who owned the company I was using was in the community and walked me through it.  There is a representative of Blubrry (the powerpress plug in many people use for podcasting) and a representative for Libsyn (a website where many podcasts host their files), and they both often answer questions and will look into issue people have.  While I don’t use libsyn because of this hands on approach I have recommended it to others.

PodcastJunky is very diligent about the self promotion, facebook added the advantage of letting members report posts to a group admin to help her out with this.  As she deletes and records or blocks and bans people for breaking the rules she tells us about it, and references the ban hammer.  In one other these conversations someone said Marvel’s secret was out and she was the new Thor… so of course I had to draw it.BanHammerBanner