I have no idea who this is or where the idea came from, but I like it :)
She looks so comfortable in that hoodie too.
“then one day he said to me, ‘I am not the dread pirate Rory'”
Continuing with the theme of mashing Rory the Dragon up with famous figures we have Rory as the Dread Pirate Roberts… though this is a mask he has been donning since his infancy.
This was done with india ink/quill on cardstock. I’m happy to go back to my roots and to pick up the quill again. The precision of the quill amazes me, it’s been so long since I have dipped my quill my reserve was dried out. I of course have a huge bottle of india ink as a back up to refill.
I suggest you click on the image to expand to see all of the cross hatching I did, I think it came out really nice. There is something about using the traditional tools that you will never get with the digital variations. A lot of people do this style of drawing now with a stylus and a tablet, and it’s something that I strive to master myself, but it will never fully replace ink, paints, pencil and all of the other materials.
I don’t ask for personal donations, not for the podcast, not for my art or anything I create on this site. Actually, if someone wanted to donate to me I would direct them to one of the many projects I wish I had more funds to support and donate to.
Today I am not asking for donations per say, and this is not a plea for help, but… if someone out there wanted to help me in any way, the best way would be to buy art supplies for me. I’m always in need of new stuff and have been rapidly replacing a lot of things. I can’t tell you how much I have spend in the last two years or so on new brushes, new paints, new canvas and stretchers. Pencils, pastels, pads, sketchbooks, portfolio and carrying cases, you name it. A lot of my stuff is over fifteen years old and either at it’s end or dried up.
I replaced most of what I need, as I work I’m going through some consumables and it would be nice to have some resupply. I’m not at the moment of running out and buying some more, simply because I am making due with some of the older stuff (like a watercolor block with a big ink stain on one side that bleed through all of the pages, I cut off the end of the paper.)
I have set up an Amazon Wish List of some of the more inexpensive items that I will be needing soon. If someone wanted to buy me something from that, that would be cool. You could think think of yourself as one of my patrons :)
Can you tell I don’t like asking for things?
Also, if anyone knows of a better site to set up a wishlist or something easier (or in Canada) please let me know. So far as I have found mail order art supplies are pretty limited (I also wish NB had a Pearl Paint or even a DeSerrs.)
what do we say to death when he comes? Not today.
My love of A Song of Ice and Fire is known far and wide, and Arya Stark is quite possibly my favorite character. I fully admit I used a photo of Maise Williams to draw over for this one. I’m not that good and not on my iPad :)
I was more practicing on how to draw on the iPad so slightly cheating is ok, right? Either way I’m still happy at how this came out, I love the blues.
Also posted from my iPad so formatting might be off and typos are expected