How to Camouflage Anything, Part 1: A Lawnmower

In this series I will discuss various techniques of applying camouflage to everyday objects.  Why you ask?  Easy! Cause camouflage is cool! that’s why!

My Lawnmower has been an awful eyesore for a while now.  Stored outside and ignored, it was starting to rust.  It needed a coat of paint, and I Figured, why the Hell not? Let’s paint this bad boy up!  I went downstairs and picked up some basic painting supplies:

  • 3 cans of Krylon Camouflage matte spray paint.
  • 1 can of rust primer.
  • 1 Green Scotchbrite pad
  • 4 Plastic bags and a roll of masking tape
  • 1 old laundry bag.

I Highly recommend the Krylon brand of Camouflage paint to anyone who wants to try this or similar techniques.  It is incredibly fast drying, doesn’t drip very much, and lays down the flattest colour I’ve ever seen in a spray paint.  Absolutely no shine.  I’d paint anything I’d have to carry overseas with this paint, I like it that much.

 To start, I cleaned up all of the grass clippings and dirt clinging to the mower.  When painting, the time spent in prep will pay off 10 times more than time spent painting.  A good paint job is all in the prep.  So don’t skimp here, and make sure your surfaces are all nice and clean.  Once all the Dirt and grass was removed, I attacked the lawn mower with the scotchbrite pad.  The object here was to remove the thick scales of rust, and get as close to bare metal as possible.  I also did the rest of the body, and all the plastics to give the paint a clean surface to adhere to.  Next up was masking.  Any area that you don’t want painted needs to be masked off.  I used plastic shopping bags to cover the wheels and height adjusters, and then some masking tape to cover the red handles and the ends of the foam handle bars.  A small section was used to cover the front vent for the motor.

The rust primer I used was grey in colour.  Always pick a primer that is a different colour than your base colour of paint.  This will help you later on as you apply your layers to ensure you have complete coverage.  It took 3 very light coats of primer to coat the whole thing.  The coats were going on very dry, drying almost on contact.  3 more light coats of the black were applied to the whole mower as a base colour.  Touch ups were done anywhere where I could still see primer. The old laundry bag was then draped over (once dry) and I began applying the brown in quick, dry coats.  When the laundry bag is removed, a snake scale like pattern is left behind, which makes the basis for the paint job.

I walked around the yard, and picked up a few leaves, of various species and sizes.  Remember, camouflage serves to break up the outline of whatever you are hiding, so it’s important to match it to the surroundings.  There’s no point in painting something to look like a pine forest if you’re hiding it in a reedy marsh.  I glued the leaves on, sprayed over some coats of green paint, then pulled the leaves off.  Automagically, tadaa! Camouflage mower!  The Ca-Mower!

In hindsight, the only thing I’d do different is reverse the order of colours.  I’d base with the green, then glue the leaves on, THEN spray paint the black and brown before removing the leaves.  This would leave the leaves in green over a black and brown background.  Either way, the camo works.  Who knows when I’ll have another episode in this series.  I’m sure quite a few things around the house need painting.  We’ll see.

Daily Creativity: LuLuBizou

LuLu Bizou Super Hero Amazon Woman and now PatronFor my Third Patron¹ I have not just drawn her but turned her into a super hero.  This is how I see the fantastic, amazon, exciting, happy, bubbly, enthusiastic @LuLuBizou :)  I hope she likes it.

I especially like her fiery hair and how she is flexing.  I also love how I have her holding her arms.

If you don’t know who LuLu is, she is the woman who does the sultry bumpers for my Nutty Bites Podcast, and reads the intro in french.  She is a Quebecer geek who I met at Balticon 45 (last year) and became fast friends with over the year.  She is a super fan, and a great supporter so posing her as a super hero works for me.  Oh and did I mention she adores Rory?  That helps get you good in my book too.  She has been so generous to help contribute to my artistic efforts, I now have a portfolio for those water colors I have been painting, which is good because they have been beginning to curl.

Thank you LuLu! <3



1 My Patrons are people who help me buy supplies for my art or other things to help me along.  I don’t ask for donations but will accept gifts in the way of supplies.  This allows people to give a little in monetary and help support my arts.  You can find my amazon wishlist on the right hand side of this page.


  1. A person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity.

Daily Creativity: Nightcrawler

Rory as X-Men's Nightcrawler, Rorycrawler
When watching Xmen first class the other day got Tek and I talking about Rory moving about the house like Nightcrawler, one moment he’s next to you, the next, next to the cookie jar, then next to you again chomping on cookies. So I drew Rory AS Night crawler :)

I used my new pastel pencils, I like how they work.

Thankful Thursday: JRD Skinner

JRD SkinnerToday is Thankful Thursday and I am thankful to my second patron. This week I received a nice gift off my Art Re-Supply wish list from Mr JRD from Flash Pulp. JRD has helped encourage me in podcasting, writing and my art. Now he has put a few dollars to help further support me so I drew this portrait of him using the supplies he sent.

JRD is a great conversationalist on twitter, supports many creative projects and creative types of people and tends to be an all around good guy. Every person he has suggested I follow on twitter has turned out to be a gem and through his Flash Mob facebook group I have met a slew of online people that enrich my conversations, general knowledge and fun.

Look what came in the mail