Last night was an Aikido night so when I settled down to create doing a light impression of people in Kamae came to me. It’s not perfect, but I like the impression it makes.
Watercolor settings done in artrrage app on my ipad. Painted on 2/20/2014
I just spent over two hours drawing sushi, and my fingers are cramped from all the grains of rice. Today I met up with a friend for Sushi, there is a place here that’s pretty good and it was nice going out and talk. Drawing this grain of rice by grain of rice gave me a good amount of time to reflect, and to calm down. My day has been a bit crazy, well my week has been crazy. I had wanted to bake to calm, but this worked, this helped a lot.
Drawing with colored pencils on paper.
Rory is pretty happy to hear that tomorrow marks the begin of the year of the sheep. He thinks it means more mutton will be on the menu.
Welcome to beginning of Lent too as this is the first drawing I’ve done for it, and the soon coming Art Month. Art Month officially begins March 1. Stay tuned as I will be linking to other creations then as I’ve had some people commit to creating daily creativities of their own.
Drawn with my brush marker on paper.
I was inspired to draw my friends with their friends. If you’re not following The Traveling Totoros on facebook then you are missing out on pictures that will brighten your day of little totoros doing random things. They make me smile. So I drew in little versions of their humans, @jdecorin & @scarredsoul in a scene from the movie with them. I couldn’t put the whole family in there, but I got three of them, Cornelius, Amelia & Pip! This was drawn with ink on paper.