Daily Creativity: Manatee

Daily Creativity: Manatee

Manatee - Daily Creativity The Manatee is one of my favorite animals. If you haven’t seen the blog/meme The Calming Mantatee, I suggest you check it out. I wanted to do another drawing in pencils with some shading, and I thought of this because I think this mammal is soft and that works with shading. I used a method to prevent my hand, or heel of my hand, from smearing the graphite. I don’t know why it never occured to me, but simply putting a piece of scrap paper between my hand and the paper was enough to reduce the smearing to almost nil. Anything that was still smudged was easily dealt with by using a blending eraser.

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Daily Creativity: Heinrich Hertz

Today is Ash Wednesday and that marks the beginning of Lent for us Catholics.  For any of my new readers since last year, let me explain what that means for this blog.  Often for lent people give things up, that doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t make me feel closer to God at all, instead I take something on.  Every day of lent I MUST do one “Daily Creativity”, one creative work of art.  Then I post it with a little bit about the piece on this blog.  I also make sure that every day in March I do this for “Art Month”, since this year lent and art month coincide it’s  no extra work and 40 days of daily creativity.

Today while looking for inspiration I opened up google to find a google doodle in honor of Heinrich Hertz, so I decided to do his portrait.  I must say, he died young but gave science to much.