Nutty Bites 95: Awesome in 2017?

Nutty Bites 95: Awesome in 2017Nutty Bites 95: Awesome in 2017?

Instead of focusing on all the negativity, Nuchtchas, Tek, John, Melanie, and Carlos gathered to talk about what they are looking forward to and what’s awesome in 2017. Have a listen as we talk about movies, TV, cons, and everything else we hope will be cool coming out in 2017.

Thanks to all the patrons who made this episode possible. If you’d like to contribute go to my Patreon Page and donate to the show and next month I’ll be thanking you. Thanks!

Promo: The BiCast

Links: John’s Amazon Author Page, Carlos’s portfolio, Resurrection Cast, A Grand Tour of Stars Hallow, Upside Down and Flying, Balticon


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942