Nutty Bites 12 Part II: December

CaelannWhat I’m watching

  • Veronica Mars
  • The Muppet Movie
  • Todd and the book of Pure Evil
  • Tomboy (read my review on the blog)
  • AbFab is back!
  • Sherlock is back with a deer stalker hat
  • Sherlock Holmes Movie

Art Happenings?



  • What is with eating during podcasting? NO!

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

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Daily Creativity: Tek and Rory as Calvin and Hobbes

Rory and Tek as Calvin and Hobbes
I’m finding I really like watercolors, yes I knew I liked them, but it’s been so long since I’ve used them. I’m having a lot of fun with this, found some of my older, better brushes too, that helps tremendously. While I think I got the right face for the Tek-Hobbes I think it’s too much Hobbes and not enough Tek. It’s hard taking a human, without any signature features other than a buzz cut and turning him into a tiger. Making the Calvin-Rory was a lot easier, the spineidies are a big Rory trait, the brown eyes and fangs and well he’s green.

I think I might use this style of painting (not the Calvin and Hobbes, but the painting style) when I illustrate the Rory goes to the Dentist book idea I’ve been thinking about.