Daily Creativity: Rory Coloring

Rory-colors-smI didn’t create for two days because I felt like poop, but I did last night. This is from last night, using the crayons setting on my iPad in ArtRage I drew Rory Coloring. Drawing this made me really happy. I like especially what he’s coloring, Me, Tek, and him :)




Daily Creativity: Love Your Body

Love-Your-Body-20-smI had fun with this piece for the Love Your Body series. I wanted to paint her as if she was on fire. I had a lot of fun painting her hair, it reminded me of a model I used to paint, she had the most beautiful hair but it was impossible to paint. I think I finally got it down, now I wish I could paint Pat (the model) again.

Painting on my iPad in the ArtRage app using the oil paint settings. 3/3/2015

Daily Creativity: Love Your Body guys!

Love Your Body guysFor this painting in the Love Your Body series I found inspiration from a gent on tumblr. Finding positive images of male figures is a lot harder than women, because in the body positive movement men are being left behind a bit. I try to be inclusive, so if you see an image that looks like something that would inspire me, please, send it along.

When looking for models I look for people who are in love with their bodies and happy, this fellow was perfect. Sadly the image wasn’t sourced, so if you recognize it, let me know, it was a black and white photo with the words “I’m done being ashamed” and I just loved it.

Painted on my iPad using the ArtRage app with the oil paint settings and brushes. Painted on 3/2/2015.

Daily Creativity: Fatshion February

CassaundraSMToday marks the first day of #ArtMonth, and yesterday was the last day of Fatshion February. Each week during Fatshion February I have drawn a fashion sketch, this is this week’s. Painted in watercolor in ArtRage on my iPad. 3/1/2015

I hope you all join me in some way to celebrate Art Month, for each day, create something. Share it, and I will share it for you too!

Previous weeks:

Week 1Week 2RinaAsLizzysm

Daily Creativity: Love Your Body, Full Body Project Style

love-your-body-the-fates-smI told you I would use the Full Body Project for inspiration for my Love Your Body series. Here it is. I feel like the photo Nimoy composed is directly inspired by Botticelli’s the Fates, which is a classic. I enjoyed painting this and chose to make the outside fates in primary colors and the central one as the secondary color they make when mixed. Painted in watercolors in ArtRage on my iPad. 2/28/2015