Daily Creativity: Rory Shoveling

RoryShovelingMany of you know that each year at Lent instead of giving something up, I take something on.  I take the same thing on every year.  Daily Creativity.  I create something every day.

But I haven’t yet this year, what gives?  Part of it, is I was surprised at how quick lent came, secondly I was swamped, mentally and physically.  Not an excuse, just what’s been going on.  I didn’t even write my valentine’s story this year.  I plotted for it, but never wrote it.  My lack of creativity has been draining me, so tonight I got back to something I’m good at, Drawing.

We are in the middle of a whiteout, a snow storm that is so windy you can’t see anything but white.  We have snow drifts in the middle of the road, they pulled the plows off the transcanada highway.  So I of course think of Rory all bundled up and shoveling.  In reality his humans do that for him.

Daily Creativity: Move Your Body

Move Your Body“Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own…”

Move your body, no matter the size or restrictions.  In movement we learn what our bodies can do, and we can learn to love them.  Love your body, love the skin you are in.

I really like how this one came out.  I painting this from a photo I saw on tumblr, reblogged and shared so often I can’t find the original poster or photographer, but it was inspiring.

Daily Creativity: Miss Piggy

MissPiggyLast night and this morning I couldn’t sleep, so I stayed up and was productive.  I worked on a lot of projects, almost all of which I can’t share yet.  (And I need to remember to photograph these things before I turn them in, unlike the last four times, which I forgot each time and have nothing to show for it.)  After working on all of that I got the urge, or the need to draw one of my favorite role models.  Miss Piggy.  Many of you know how much I love the muppets, but Miss Piggy I am growing to love more and more as I get older.  She lives her life right, by her standards and her needs.  Piggy is an awesome personality and we could all learn a thing or two from her.

NaNoWriMo: Rory goes to the dentist (second ten)


This gallery contains 10 photos.

Here we have the next ten images for Rory Goes to the Dentist, my NaNoWriMo project, it’s really coming along, but I think I will defiantly need more than 30 images for this book.  I’m sure I’ll cut some of … Continue reading

NaNoWriMo: Rory goes to the dentist (first ten)


This gallery contains 10 photos.

This year I’m doing NaNoWriMo in a different way.  Instead of writing 50K words, I’m painting 30 pictures for my children’s book “Rory goes to the dentist.”  I’m valuing each picture at 2K words, though I will say it should … Continue reading