Daily Creativity: Stella & lil Nutty, my friend fiction

StellaNlilNuttysmI have a friend who is a special kid, her name is Stella. She has suffered from some bullies and had a more challenging childhood already. I have told her about my experiences with bullies as a form of encouragement and “It gets better.” The reactions this wonderful child has had always amaze me. She has a great supportive family too, which makes her very lucky. When talking with her mom I said that had there been a kid like Stella in my school I would have had at least one really awesome friend. We’d be this awesome pair, and so I had to draw it. This is called “Friend Fiction” (Thank you Tina Belcher for that term), it’s like fan fiction, only about real people. I hope Stella likes this.

Colored Pencils and Ink on paper. 2/25/15

Daily Creativity: Seiza (from tuesday)

seiza_smTuesday is an aikido night, so I find myself influenced by it when I’m painting. Last night I painted in watercolor a person in seiza, the way we kneel/sit in class. I had fun with this and worked on making it gender neutral. Painting in ArtRage on the iPad. 2/24/2015

Daily Creativity: Love your Body (from monday)

love-your-body-18smAnother painting in the Love Your Body series, and because my fashion group’s theme this week is pink, I painted her pink.  I painted this monday, but didn’t get around to uploading it or making a post for it today. Art Rage app on iPad. 2/23/2015

Daily Creativity: Fatsion February – Lizzy Bennet inspired

RinaAsLizzysmThis drawing is of an online friend dressing as she’d expect Lizzy Bennet to dress today. I loved it so much I had to draw it! Fatshion February is another daily challenge I’m doing, putting together fun looks and promoting fashion for fat people. Each week I drew a fashion sketch of a look that inspired me that week. Ink on paper, colored in photoshop. 2/22/2015

Daily Creativity: Love Your Body

LoveYourBody17smI have brought back the Love Your Body series with last night’s painting. I painted this using the art rage ipad app and my stylus brush and stylus. I like the mood of this pose, the idea of a woman holding herself. 2/21/2015