Nutty Bites: ST Enterprise – Dinner and a Movie – Dog Days of Podcasting 2018

Nutty Bites: ST Enterprise – Dinner and a Movie – Dog Days of Podcasting 2018

Nutty Bites: ST Enterprise – Dinner and a Movie – Dog Days of Podcasting 2018Star Trek Enterprise isn’t the best trek series out there, but it also isn’t the worst. I think watching it in binge format makes it better. I was very frustrated when it originally aired and ended up dropping it. This was the first trek series I had ever dropped. Rewatching it now, I see what I missed. Yes, Season 3 really gets interesting, but you have to slog through two seasons of character development/discovery to get to that. I’m not done with the series yet, but I’m really glad that I gave it a second shot.

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Nutty Bites – Star Trek Deep Space 9 & Sushi – Dog Days of Podcasting

Nutty Bites Dog Days of Podcasting Dinner & a movie Deep Space 9Star Trek Deep Space 9 & Sushi – Spoiler Free!

Star Trek Deep Space 9 is working it’s way into my favorite of the Trek properties. Thankfully all of Star Trek is now available on Netflix. On rewatch I realize how good it is right from the very beginning. The characters are fully formed and awesome from the get go. The first season has seeds of the future seasons are laid through out. I’m looking forward to Star Trek Discovery. I pair this with sushi because thats what I had for my birthday today. I also talk a little bit about it being Nutty Day.

Nutty Bites is participating in the Dog Days of Podcasting Project, 30 days of podcasts. This year I’ll be reviewing Movies & TV and pairing them with a meal. This is a bonus episode for the month but you can sponsor Nutty Bites and help me produce more content by pledging my patreon page.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Daily Creativity: Women of Trek – TOS

Women of Trek - TOS - Daily CreativityDaily Creativity: Women of Trek – TOS

The Women of Trek (The Original Series), Uhura has been a role model of mine since I was young. Nurse Chapel is pretty awesome too. Growing up it’s good to have role models and it used to be that there were so few women in media that girls could look up to. Today things are much better and we are making strides (not full representation yet, but strides.) I wanted to pay tribute to some classic role models that inspired me and many of my generation and the one before.

In addition to the fictional characters, the women who played these roles are also role models. As I grew older and learned more about them I realized that the people behind these characters were even more inspiring than their roles on TV. Nichelle Nicholes and Majel Barrett were two amazing women who helped change our world. Thanks to them there are more role models for young women, role models for people of color, and both of those groups in space. Thanks.

5×7 ink on paper

If you’d like get your hands on some of my original art check our my Patreon Page and snatch up one of the limited reward levels

Nutty Bites: Episode 26 – Nutty Debate: SciFi Gadgets

SciFi Gadgets!
What SciFi Gadgets do we not have yet but you really want?  with Tek, Hugh O’Donnell & XerialKiller

A sound clip rich episode
Heavily mentioned in this discussion


  • The Great Geeky iTunes Review Contest
  • Vox in a Box
  • Parsec Awards
  • The Righteous Dudecast
  • Flash Pulp

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

Daily Creativity: Thankful Thursday – Lael

Lael as Pop Art - HackerGroupie
Today is Thankful Thursday, and it’s Art Month so I give you Lael, done in Pop Art.  I really like how her eyes came out.

Lael is one of the people that I met through my roleplaying group online (star trek) and one of the first online friends of mine to become a real life friend.  She and I often refer to one another as Sis (as if I don’t have enough sisters) because we are twins… from different mothers.  Our interests tend to be the same and are often going through similar things in our lives at the same time.  We joke that one of us is the good twin and the other is the evil twin, of course we never agree on who is the evil twin.

Lael has an Amazing voice and I have few songs of hers in my MP3 collection, but not nearly as many as I’d like (hint hint, record more).  She has provided back up vocals for a couple of different projects.  She’s an amazing writer who ran a writing challenge group I was a part of years ago.  She loves Buffy and Star Trek (especially sexy nosed Bajorans) and Dr Who and many other geek things.  I have many memories of yaking on the phone with her for hours.  Having Lael at my wedding was very important to me and I was so grateful.  In the two trips she’s made to NY she was able to hang with my family and belong.  Without Lael I wouldn’t have had support through some pretty trying times in my life, I’m thankful to always have someone in my life that loves me how she loves me.  I will always love her and keep her close in my heart.