Nutty Bites 279: IN Memorandum

Nutty Bites Podcast by NIMLAS Studios with your hosts Nuchtchas and Tek!

When celebrities pass it can effect us as deeply as if someone we knew passed. In this episode Nutty and Tek talk about the not so famously lost celebrity.

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Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

One Idjit’s Thoughts on The Rockford Files Season Two Episode One “The Aaron Ironwood School of Success”

Paul looks at The Rockford Files Season Two Episode One “The Aaron Ironwood School of Success” There are changes going into the new season, but are they good ones? Several recurring characters are back, and Paul looks at the titular guest star and a barroom game Artifactoid. Look for mentions of Teen Wolf and King Henry VIII.

What do you think?

One Idjit’s Thoughts on Moonlighting Season One Episode Two “Gunfight at the So-So Corral”

Paul and Darcy discuss Moonlighting Season One Episode Two “Gunfight at the So-So Corral,” summarizing the episode along with looks at a guest star, a video game, and a comic book novelty product along the way.

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One Idjit’s Thoughts on Moonlighting Season One Episode One “Moonlighting”

For this Pilot episode of Moonlighting, Paul and Darcy look at the episode, profile a guest actor, give Mary Hart a shoutout, look at fashion, and take a good look at an iconic clocktower.

What do you think?

One Idjit’s Thoughts on Press Gang Series One Episode One “Page One”

Paul introduces a new show to the lineup, Press Gang, and its first episode “Page One.” He tells how he became aware of the show, then summarizes it and includes some of the background about the show and the tidbits that One Idjit’s podcast provides.

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