Daily Creativity: Pondy Bear #PondyStrong

Daily Creativity: Pondy Bear #PondyStrong

#PondyStrongI drew this #PondyStrong bear earlier today, had it scanned in and saved by 5pm, and for some reason I thought I had already posted it. I didn’t. So here I am at 3am posting this lil guy. My friend is going for his second round of chemo this week. A bunch of his friends and supporters are sporting art he has created and taking pictures to show him their support. I though what better for one artist to another to show support than creating art in their honor. I have Scott Pond art on my walls (art prints, not just the posters, cause I’m cool like that) and have his book and books he designed the cover of on my shelves. I also have had good conversations with him about art, including things like where to get good art prints, how to display art at a show, and other nitty gritty non sensational topics that artists need to know. I wish I could be there, or do something more than send support online, but I am sure the majority of his friends feel that way. So for now I will doodle and click the heart reaction on his photos and comment on his status. Till I can hug him again. Also, Fuck Cancer.

To help Scott with medical expenses please donate to his GoFundMe.

I drew this with a fountain pen using Diamine Purple Pizzazz ink and then used a watercolor brush to paint it. This isn’t the best scan, but I am working on that. My scanner sucks, I replaced a broken one with a bad one and have a new one on the way. Scanners are the bane of my existence.

Daily Creativity: Aikido Mice

Daily Creativity: Aikido Mice

Daily Creativity: Aikido MiceAikido Mice was inspired by tonight’s activities. Along with some other members of our Dojo we dojo stormed a neighboring dojo about an hour and a half away. We were invited to attend classes to celebrate their 20 year anniversary. It was amazing, as always. Also there were 4 dojos in attendance. We just had so much fun and I’m still hyped up. Also, their juniors reminded me of mice.

ink on paper.

Daily Creativity: We all need a protector. Rory to the rescue

Daily Creativity: We all need a protector. Rory to the rescue

Daily Creativity: We all need a protector. Rory to the rescueProtector Rory is keeping his friends safe with his stance and this big umbrella. This didn’t work out as I had planned. I was working with a new supply of paper that was given to me, I didn’t expect too much from it, but since I wasn’t planning to layer too much I thought I would be safe. Well one layer in and the paper started to tear. It is actually worse in person, I touched up the worst tears after scanning it in. The paper isn’t even good for writing, since it is so textured. So I flipped it over and think I can use the back as practice sheets for lettering. Sadly, this supply is a bust. Let that be a lesson to me, don’t use untrusted brands.

Watercolor on paper.

Daily Creativity: Xenomorph Disney Princess

Daily Creativity: Xenomorph Disney Princess

Daily Creativity: Xenomorph Disney Princess

With all this talk about Disney buying parts of Fox there is the discussion, does that mean the Xenomorph is a Disney Princess? So of course I had to draw that. I’m not sure if the Alien franchise was part of the deal, but it is enough for me to be a big ‘ol geek about it. Colored pencils on paper.

Daily Creativity: Rory as a Union Soldier – Union Dragon

Daily Creativity: Rory as a Union Soldier - Union DragonDaily Creativity: Rory as a Union Soldier – Union Dragon

Tek and I visited Gettysburg before going down to Balticon. I highly recommend this trip, it has changed so much since the last time I really explored there, twenty years ago. The roads are paved, there is this auto tour you can buy (in CD form now but there is an app in Beta) and they built some overlooks. All while preserving the integrity of the historical site.

We learned a lot we didn’t know. Even having studied the Civil War I missed a lot of things that I learned on this visit. I was inspired to paint Rory as a union soldier. Artillery of course. I’m thinking the war might have been won faster with Dragons on the Union side, but it would have been a very different war.

I started painting this at Balticon, doing some work on the few moments I wasn’t on a panel or getting my 5-2-1. I finished it when I got home. So yes this does break the rules of Daily Creativity as it took more than one day to finish, but in the time total it wasn’t more than I would spend in a day, I think. I am pleased with how it came out and had Tek check my work with the depiction of the enfield riffle Rory is holding. I painted some dirt on his uniform and fur, and tried to make it look dirty. Faded blues too. I’m really happy with how this piece came out. I may be the only person who wanted to see Rory as a soldier, but it marks this trip for me.

watercolors and ink on pressed paper.