Nutty Bites – Don’t Trust the B & Quesadillas – Dog Days of Podcasting

Nutty Bites Dog Days of Podcasting Dinner & a movie don't trust the bDon’t Trust the B & Quesadillas – Spoiler Free!

I review Don’t Trust the B- in Apartment 23 from a few years ago. It’s now on Netflix likely because the lead Kristen Ritter is the star of Jessica Jones. I watched it just for her and I’m here to tell you it’s trash, but sometimes you want trash. Meet my new guilty pleasure. I pair this with Quesadillas and Guacamole.

I also talk a little bit about graphic programs and working with web design from the early days. How it was fortunate that I taught myself html when I did so I could stay ahead of the game as the world shifted into a web based world.

Nutty Bites is participating in the Dog Days of Podcasting Project, 30 days of podcasts. This year I’ll be reviewing Movies & TV and pairing them with a meal. This is a bonus episode for the month but you can sponsor Nutty Bites and help me produce more content by pledging my patreon page.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942