Nutty Bites 86: Podcasting for the Listener #Balticon

Podcasting for the Listener - Nutty Bites - Balticon 50Nutty Bites 86: Podcasting for the Listener recorded at #Balticon 50

Podcasting for the Listener with Nuchtchas, Hugh O’Donnell, Mark Kilfoil, & Heather Welliver(m), recored live at Balticon 50. We discuss what’s out there, how to listen, and what makes podcasting great.

Podcasting for the Listener

A panel about podcasting for a listener, where to find podcasts, how to get involved, and what listeners are looking for.  Pet peeves listeners have and things they love about some podcasts.
Hugh J O’Donnell · Nutty Nuchtchas · Heather WelliverModerator · Mark The Encaffeinated ONE
Discussion Panel 50 mins
Saturday May 28th 2016 @ 4:00 PM – Parlor 8029

I also thanks all the patrons who made this episode possible. If you’d like to contribute go to my Patreon Page and donate to the show and next month I’ll be thanking you. Thanks!

Note, you can expect some more panel recordings coming in the feed as bonus episodes, and the Nutty Bites Live, JRR Tolkien vs CS Lewis, will be coming into the feed but the audio isn’t great so it needs work. Thanks for your patience.



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 73: Con Survival!

CoverArt73Nuchtchas and Tek talk about con survival, how to survive a con and what to think about when planning your trip, costume, and participation.

Each con is different but with these tips you can make sure your experience is happy, healthy, and doesn’t break your bank.



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942