Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 08 Late Presents

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 08 Late PresentsNutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 08 Late Presents

5 Days to Christmas and I’m talking about Late Presents. Sometimes we can’t always get what we want for our loved ones on time, so what do you do? You give them a hint of what’s to come. It’s very fitting I talk about this in the episode that was supposed to come out yesterday. Oops.

Along with some of the Dog Days of Podcasting people I’m podcasting for 12 days to celebrate the holiday season. To subscribe to all of the 12 Days Podcasts just add this feed to your favorite podcatcher/app.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 07 Christmas Specials

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 07 Christmas SpecialsNutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 07 Christmas Specials

6 Days to Christmas and I’m talking about Christmas Specials. Those holiday feel good made for TV movies or just your regular favorite show doing a christmas episode. Some will stay with you for life, like the Muppets, and others you forget in a blink. I think in the classic form of escapism they give us what we all want, a warm feeling of love around this holiday, and for many of us these specials are the only place we’ll find it.

Along with some of the Dog Days of Podcasting people I’m podcasting for 12 days to celebrate the holiday season. To subscribe to all of the 12 Days Podcasts just add this feed to your favorite podcatcher/app.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 06 Christmas Music

Nutty Bites 12 days of podcasting 06 Christmas MusicNutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 06 Christmas Music

7 Days to Christmas and I’m talking about what makes good christmas music. If you can manage to crack the code to becoming on of the top fifteen christmas songs that are played every year, you will forever be immortal. It’s a high risk thing to attempt, most people fail and become doomed to have that stain on their musical careers, but for the few that make it, they are gold.

Along with some of the Dog Days of Podcasting people I’m podcasting for 12 days to celebrate the holiday season. To subscribe to all of the 12 Days Podcasts just add this feed to your favorite podcatcher/app.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 05 Christmas Parties

Nutty Bites 12 days of podcasting 05 Christmas PartiesNutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 05 Christmas Parties

8 Days to Christmas and we had our Aikido Christmas party today. It was a blast. I baked Snickerdoodles and we rolled on the mats with kids, adults, and parents. I love the dojo christmas parties, every year and it’s something I always look forward to. Mandatory parties for work never seem to capture the same joy. What kind of parties do you like?

Along with some of the Dog Days of Podcasting people I’m podcasting for 12 days to celebrate the holiday season. To subscribe to all of the 12 Days Podcasts just add this feed to your favorite podcatcher/app.


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 04 A Star Wars Tradition

Nutty Bites 12 days of podcasting 04 A Star Wars Tradition Nutty Bites: 12 Days of Podcasting 04 A Star Wars Tradition

9 Days to Christmas and I’m talking about a new tradition, a Star Wars tradition. We saw Rogue One tonight and it was great. Part of a new christmas tradition, watching a new star wars movie in the days leading up to christmas. Putts me in the mood, how about you?

Along with some of the Dog Days of Podcasting people I’m podcasting for 12 days to celebrate the holiday season. To subscribe to all of the 12 Days Podcasts just add this feed to your favorite podcatcher/app.


What’s your take on the movie? Tell us in the comments, on twitter, in the facebook group, email, or call in!

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942