Nutty Bites 252: Halloween Traditions

Nutty Bites 252: Halloween Traditions

Halloween Traditions change from family to family and throughout our life as we age and our situation changes. Nutty and Tek sat down with friends Jason, Miss Meylsse, and Krazy Joe to talk about the past and now, to celebrate the fun and awesome of Halloween.

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 251: Graphic Novels as Literature

Nutty Bites 251: Graphic Novels as Literature

Graphic Novels have been around since the 70s but often are not given the credit they deserve for the artistic merits they can contain. Like all written work, graphic novels can also be literature. Nutty, Tek, and Vox got together to share their feelings on this medium.

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

One Idjit’s Thoughts on The Rockford Files Digest

This is the last digest episode before returning to a regular single-episode cycle of shows. This has the initial “The Rockford Files” pilot movie and the first 8 episodes of the regular series. These are available individually at and have never appeared in a traditional podcast feed. Find out what I identify as “Totally 70’s,” hear about various cultural artifacts I spotted, hear people’s bios, and of course what I thought worked and perhaps what did not work.

Email me at

One Idjit’s Thoughts On Gravity Falls Digest

This is a digest summary of the episodes from Dog Days of Podcasting 2023 which review episodes of the TV Series “Gravity Falls.” These are available individually at and have never been available on a traditional podcast feed.

You can get hold of me at

One Idjit’s Thoughts On Men With Brooms Digest

This is a digest summary of the episodes from Dog Days of Podcasting 2023 which review episodes of the TV Series “Men With Brooms.” These are available individually at and have never been available on a traditional podcast feed.

You can contact me at