Ranting on the internet works… really?

“It comes in threes”

GoDaddy learned we don't like fascismIn an apathetic world like today it’s easy to feel defeated and without hope.  I know I do, often, ever since NDAA passed I had lost my faith in the “people.”  Then something great happened, first, GoDaddy backed the SOPA bill, then the internet found out and the boycott started.  It didn’t take long and GoDaddy reversed their position, of course that doesn’t take back any testimony, but it was a big hit to the pro-SOPA community, they saw, with our dollars how not listening to their customers could hurt their business.

SOPA and PIPA can go the way of the DoDoNext, there was the Internet Blackout Day, Wikipedia, many blogs and other sites on the internet went dark, even Google had a doodle showing their distaste for both SOPA and PIPA.  Many Senator and Congressmen’s websites went down that day, not by choice but from the flood of traffic from people who followed links on blacked out websites looking to contact their local politicians to make sure they knew their voters were against this.  The next day we found out that both SOPA and PIPA were shelved.

Komen thinks it can push planned parenthood around, they were wrongThe other night I learned from Planned Parenthood that the Susan B. Komen Foundation had decided to cut their funding for breast cancer screening because PP overs abortions. This was an outrage and something close to my heart, along with other men and women on the internet I shared my links and voiced my complaints on twitter, facebook and google plus.  This morning I woke up to find that SBK has reversed their decision.

That’s right people, the internet has been heard.  Now while I often shy away from talking politics on social media (never talk politics or religion right?) I am starting to think that’s not a good idea.  When it comes time to make a change, we need to be more vocal.  Just think what would have happened if we has all gotten upset over NDAA?  Would it have passed?  I think not.  I think seeing these three examples is enough to show people that apathy is not the way, that we can make a difference if we rant loud enough.  We have the money, we have the voice, we have the power.  Don’t think you can’t win, don’t think your one voice won’t change the world, thanks to social media, it can.

A couple of things: