Nutty Bites 278: Agatha All Along – Dinner and a Movie

Nutty Bites 278: Agatha All Along - Dinner and a Movie

Nutty and Miss Meliss get together to talk about the Disney+ series Agatha All Along in a nice extended episode of Dinner and a Movie.

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 200: Fictional Schools we wished we went to

Nutty Bites 200: Fictional Schools we wished we went toFictional Schools often seem more magical than the schools we went to, but really, which schools would you want to go to? Did you want to go to the one where students often were eaten or declared missing, or where you could have loads of fun while learning? Join Nutty, Tek, Encaf1, Vox, and Melissa as they dive into some of their favorite schools from fiction.

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).


Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 191: Hidden Gem Movies

Hidden Gem Movies

Nutty Bites 191: Hidden Gem Movies

Hidden Gem Movies are movies that are really enjoyable but somehow no one seems to know about the movie. Nutty, Tek, Jen, Jason, Vox, and Melissa get together and talk about some of their favorites.

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).


Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Jen, Jason, Vox, and Melissa
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 155: Childhood Games

Childhood Games

Nutty Bites 155: Childhood GamesChildhood Games are universal and yet varied. They can change based on location and generation. Just after recording this I discovered kids in my family love a game called pose tag, which sounded an awful lot like freeze tag which was what I played as a kid. So often the narrative is that kids today are only looking at screens, not out playing. My generation it was that we were addicted to the tv. I think every generation is the same, the older one says that the younger one isn’t right, not playing like kids should. Yet all children have games and play in their own way. In this episode we talk about the games we played and the different fun we had.

Joining us was Melissa of the Bathtub Mermaid Podcast, Jason of the Talk Nerdy 2 Me podcast, and Crazy Joe from the Megapodtastic podcast and YouTube channel.

The Redacted Files

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo ( or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Melissa, Jason, Joe
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 135: Tropes!

Nutty Bites 135: Tropes!

Nutty Bites 135: Tropes!Tropes can be helpful or hurtful. Nutty, Tek, Encaf1, Jason, Jen, and Melissa discuss when to stick by the tropes and when to abandon them and start new. There is a knee jerk desire to say always start with something new, but sometimes you need to respect your fans. We get off topic more than once, and this is a crossover episode with Talk Nerdy 2 Me, so things get fun. I ended up cutting a lot out of this episode and if people want the bloopers maybe I can release them but you have to ask for it.

Chrononaut Cinema Review

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: NuchtchasTekJason, Jen, Encaf1, & Melissa.
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942