Daily Creativity: Pe’ggy the Half Orc

peegyTonight I was playing D&D with my group back in NY.  They all get together at my sister’s house and my husband and I skype in with video.  It’s fun, even if we haven’t worked out all of the kinks.  Kinda nice that I get to keep my character and play from up here.  My character is Pe’ggy, HE is a half orc Barbarian.  I’ve been having a lot of fun playing him, really getting into the role playing side of it.  He disbelieves in any magic, even if it benefits or hurts him.  Everyone around him just plays along, even when using magic on him.  For instance, when he was grown in size he just believed everyone else got small, and thought they were playing tricks on him.

While playing tonight I decided to give Pe’ggy a face.  Pencil drawing that I slightly colored after scanning.