Onward – Dinner and a Movie – Nutty Bites DDoP 2020


Onward - Dinner and a Movie - Nutty Bites DDoP 2020

Onward is the latest release from Pixar and like all others they yank at your feelings. AKA Detroit Troll City is a fun adventure for any D&D and Fantasy fan.

Welcome to dog days of podcasting for 2020, where podcasters from around the world do a podcast a day for the month of august. I really suggest you listen to the main RSS feed.

Creative Commons LicenseNutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Listen and Support on Patreon

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

MPAT Variety show episode 8

DDOP Dog Days Master Piece Audio Theatre


Hello and welcome to MPAT studios! We proudly present the dog days of podcasting, the MPAT Variety show! We have no format this year, so hit us up, give us a scene you’d like to hear, pick characters below, and comment on the facebook posts.

Tonight’s Poem: Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll

The characters:

  1. Sir Hector Stewart
  2. Heironimo Stewart
  3. Little Billy
  4. Mencheck Megenovic (The Russian)
  5. Tom Later
  6. Smee
  7. Jeffry Ventura
  8. Pierre the Shrimp (The French)
  9. Bob Gruff (The Scot)
  10. Kermit
  11. Keeper of keys
  12. Captain Hook
  13. Elmo
  14. Peppa Pig
  15. Voice Cracking Teenager
  16. Kinder Garden Teacher
  17. Mickey Mouse
  18. Bruv


If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to: Jay@jglangejans.com

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms

Fleabag – Dinner and a Movie – Nutty Bites DDoP 2020


Fleabag - Dinner and a Movie - Nutty Bites DDoP 2020

Fleabag is a show unlike any other, it isn’t what I would call fun, but it is good. Lots of introspection and mental health exploration.

Welcome to dog days of podcasting for 2020, where podcasters from around the world do a podcast a day for the month of august. I really suggest you listen to the main RSS feed.

Creative Commons LicenseNutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Listen and Support on Patreon

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

MPAT Variety show episode 7

DDOP Dog Days Master Piece Audio Theatre


Hello and welcome to MPAT studios! We proudly present the dog days of podcasting, the MPAT Variety show! We have no format this year, so hit us up, give us a scene you’d like to hear, pick characters below, and comment on the facebook posts.


The characters:

  1. Sir Hector Stewart
  2. Heironimo Stewart
  3. Little Billy
  4. Mencheck Megenovic (The Russian)
  5. Tom Later
  6. Smee
  7. Jeffry Ventura
  8. Pierre the Shrimp (The French)
  9. Bob Gruff (The Scot)
  10. Kermit
  11. Keeper of keys
  12. Captain Hook
  13. Elmo
  14. Peppa Pig
  15. Voice Cracking Teenager
  16. Kinder Garden Teacher
  17. Mickey Mouse
  18. Bruv


If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to: Jay@jglangejans.com

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms

Victoria & Abdul – Dinner and a Movie – Nutty Bites DDoP 2020

Victoria & Abdul

Victoria & Abdul - Dinner and a Movie - Nutty Bites DDoP 2020

Victoria & Abdul is a movie I had been looking forward to because it is an interesting friendship in history. This movie plays fast and loose with the facts but that is fine because it focuses on the friendship between these two people.

Welcome to dog days of podcasting for 2020, where podcasters from around the world do a podcast a day for the month of august. I really suggest you listen to the main RSS feed.

Creative Commons LicenseNutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Listen and Support on Patreon

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942