Daily Creativity: Mirror

LOVE YOURSELFHere is last night’s Daily Creativity, slow on uploading happens sometimes when I turn the computer off for the night.  I was inspired to make this when I read a post about people and how they see themselves in the mirror.  We often see art of people looking in the mirror and seeing something other than reality.  What if there were images of people looking in the mirror, seeing what’s really there, and loving every bit of it.  I liked that idea, it goes along with the saying “Look in the mirror every day and find one thing you like about yourself.”  That practice has helped me out a lot.

Daily Creativity: Move Your Body

Move Your Body“Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own…”

Move your body, no matter the size or restrictions.  In movement we learn what our bodies can do, and we can learn to love them.  Love your body, love the skin you are in.

I really like how this one came out.  I painting this from a photo I saw on tumblr, reblogged and shared so often I can’t find the original poster or photographer, but it was inspiring.