Facebook goes public and will sell your soul to the devil!

borrowed this from CBS, watch their videos

I’ve seen a few people get upset over this “NEW” information on how facebook makes money and what going public will mean for you, the facebook user.

Of course there is a defaming article on Yahoo that I’m being pointed to here.   I’ll let you read the article, then come back here and see my replies.

1. Facebook is going to “sell” users for $120 each
This isn’t any different than what’s happening now.  They already sell your information for ads, google does the same.  Are you using gmail to read this?  look to the side and tell me what ads you see?  Those are personalized ads, same things you see if you just do a google search (unless you have turned off private browsing) and while on facebook those ads are supposed to be tuned to your needs, this is why I see local ads. It’s not new, it’s just that FB will make more money from it.  OK.  I was fine with it before, why would I not be fine with it now that they might make more?

2. Facebook users are about to become billboards
So basically if you “like” something it is going to be advertised to your friends to get them to like it too.  Again, that’s already happening, it’s nothing new.  I see everything my friends like, I see ads to like things my friends have liked already, not new, not unscrupulous, this is what social media is.  The idea behind FB is what your friends are doing is interesting to you, it’s a peep pressure kind of thing, my friend is playing farmville?  well I better play it too, oh look now it’s Castlewars, ooo look my brother likes George Takai, I better like that too.  This is how FB works, how it has become the site you check every day.
3. The IPO is as much a Public Relations coup as a Share offering
so FB is going public but Zuckerberg is keeping full control, he could bequeath it to his dog… he could do that now, again, nothing is changing.
I think the big thing here is that nothing is changing but prices will go up and FB will make more money, isn’t that the american dream, to make money off of nothing.  I can’t wait to see what Mark does with his millions now.  Please give more of my schools grants.  (While I may think I wouldn’t like Mark as a person, I like when he donates his money, much like I love it when Bill Gates donates his money, and these are grants I see and work with all the time.
Now when I look up information on facebook going public there are other points of view, CBS seems to like this move. (videos)  It is amusing, the ads for these videos are for Google, Facebook’s competition.

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