Part 4 of A Ballistics Guide for Geeks, Writers and Geeky Writers: Terminal Ballistics

A Fired .38 caibre Hollow Point round, completely expanded and deformed after striking its target. From Wikipedia, by user Rickochet

Welcome back! So far we’ve talked about the flight of projectiles, and how things change as our projectiles and the atmosphere around them change.  Now lets talk about what happens to our projectiles when they actually impact with something!

These projectiles that we’ve thrown have now flown from their projector to the other end of their ballistic trajectory.  Eventually, they’ll hit something other than the medium they are flying in.  Wether it’s the intended target, something that happens to be in the way, or one of those weird bubblegum asteroids those Sci-Fi writers keep dreaming up, something will happen. Continue reading

How to Camouflage Anything, Part 1: A Lawnmower

In this series I will discuss various techniques of applying camouflage to everyday objects.  Why you ask?  Easy! Cause camouflage is cool! that’s why!

My Lawnmower has been an awful eyesore for a while now.  Stored outside and ignored, it was starting to rust.  It needed a coat of paint, and I Figured, why the Hell not? Let’s paint this bad boy up!  I went downstairs and picked up some basic painting supplies:

  • 3 cans of Krylon Camouflage matte spray paint.
  • 1 can of rust primer.
  • 1 Green Scotchbrite pad
  • 4 Plastic bags and a roll of masking tape
  • 1 old laundry bag.

I Highly recommend the Krylon brand of Camouflage paint to anyone who wants to try this or similar techniques.  It is incredibly fast drying, doesn’t drip very much, and lays down the flattest colour I’ve ever seen in a spray paint.  Absolutely no shine.  I’d paint anything I’d have to carry overseas with this paint, I like it that much.

 To start, I cleaned up all of the grass clippings and dirt clinging to the mower.  When painting, the time spent in prep will pay off 10 times more than time spent painting.  A good paint job is all in the prep.  So don’t skimp here, and make sure your surfaces are all nice and clean.  Once all the Dirt and grass was removed, I attacked the lawn mower with the scotchbrite pad.  The object here was to remove the thick scales of rust, and get as close to bare metal as possible.  I also did the rest of the body, and all the plastics to give the paint a clean surface to adhere to.  Next up was masking.  Any area that you don’t want painted needs to be masked off.  I used plastic shopping bags to cover the wheels and height adjusters, and then some masking tape to cover the red handles and the ends of the foam handle bars.  A small section was used to cover the front vent for the motor.

The rust primer I used was grey in colour.  Always pick a primer that is a different colour than your base colour of paint.  This will help you later on as you apply your layers to ensure you have complete coverage.  It took 3 very light coats of primer to coat the whole thing.  The coats were going on very dry, drying almost on contact.  3 more light coats of the black were applied to the whole mower as a base colour.  Touch ups were done anywhere where I could still see primer. The old laundry bag was then draped over (once dry) and I began applying the brown in quick, dry coats.  When the laundry bag is removed, a snake scale like pattern is left behind, which makes the basis for the paint job.

I walked around the yard, and picked up a few leaves, of various species and sizes.  Remember, camouflage serves to break up the outline of whatever you are hiding, so it’s important to match it to the surroundings.  There’s no point in painting something to look like a pine forest if you’re hiding it in a reedy marsh.  I glued the leaves on, sprayed over some coats of green paint, then pulled the leaves off.  Automagically, tadaa! Camouflage mower!  The Ca-Mower!

In hindsight, the only thing I’d do different is reverse the order of colours.  I’d base with the green, then glue the leaves on, THEN spray paint the black and brown before removing the leaves.  This would leave the leaves in green over a black and brown background.  Either way, the camo works.  Who knows when I’ll have another episode in this series.  I’m sure quite a few things around the house need painting.  We’ll see.

Art Re-Supply

I don’t ask for personal donations, not for the podcast, not for my art or anything I create on this site.  Actually, if someone wanted to donate to me I would direct them to one of the many projects I wish I had more funds to support and donate to.

Today I am not asking for donations per say, and this is not a plea for help, but… if someone out there wanted to help me in any way, the best way would be to buy art supplies for me.  I’m always in need of new stuff and have been rapidly replacing a lot of things.  I can’t tell you how much I have spend in the last two years or so on new brushes, new paints, new canvas and stretchers.  Pencils, pastels, pads, sketchbooks, portfolio and carrying cases, you name it.  A lot of my stuff is over fifteen years old and either at it’s end or dried up.

I replaced most of what I need, as I work I’m going through some consumables and it would be nice to have some resupply.  I’m not at the moment of running out and buying some more, simply because I am making due with some of the older stuff (like a watercolor block with a big ink stain on one side that bleed through all of the pages, I cut off the end of the paper.)

I have set up an Amazon Wish List of some of the more inexpensive items that I will be needing soon.  If someone wanted to buy me something from that, that would be cool.  You could think think of yourself as one of my patrons :)




Can you tell I don’t like asking for things?
Also, if anyone knows of a better site to set up a wishlist or something easier (or in Canada) please let me know.  So far as I have found mail order art supplies are pretty limited (I also wish NB had a Pearl Paint or even a DeSerrs.)

How was that?

Wikipedia Blacks out January 18th in protest of SOPA and PIPAAny night sweats?  Terrors?  Suddenly not knowing simple facts because you couldn’t look them up on Wikipedia?  The Anti SOPA/PIPA blackout was interesting for me at least.  I saw a few sites that said they would go black but didn’t, I attribute most of that to mistakes made in coding and one site I know believes the report that SOPA is dead.

  • There were a lot of confused people thinking we were talking about soap but spelling ti wrong.
  • Some supporters of SOPA/PIPA called us names and claimed the blackout was a gimmick
  • A lot of sites only blacked out their US websites
  • A lot of memes were created today
  • several websites had great blackout messages (I think my favorite is the Oatmeal)
  • Two co-sponsors of the bill have withdrawn their support and other backers in congress have stepped back (I refrain from giving a number because this may increase, I hope)
  • I really enjoyed this article from the BBC, it even has screen caps of all the sites that went dark (I didn’t realize I could make all my flickr images black for the day, that would have been cool)

Would SOPA/PIPA have passed if we didn’t do this today?  Maybe, maybe not.  Now we will never know since it is clear we have made a change.  It took a day of people wanting to leave GoDaddy for them to change their mind and half a day of the internet to black out to shake the co-founders, I will call this a win.  Still, let’s not think we won completely, the bills are still out there and they have supporters and lot of money behind it.

Are you ready to protest SOPA and PIPA?

In Protest of SOPA and PIPAFor the past few days I have been getting questions about my Twitter/Facebook/Google Plus avatar, why did I put a [CENSORED] bar over it?  It’s not a joke involving innuendo or anything like that, it’s a sign to protest two bills that they are trying to pass in the USA, dubbed SOPA and PIPA.  You also may have already noticed I censored this site a while ago to get people to write their congressmen and senators.  I’m an American, I live in Canada but I am still an American and a voter, more so my host is in the USA so this would effect my site in addition to my enjoyment of the internet.  The bills are written in such a way that would give the government (and private citizens and companies) the opportunity to harass innocent people and punish someone they think needs punishing when they can’t stop them with other legal means.  You’ve seen it before, the local guy who is noisy against his local government gets tickets for jaywalking when no one else gets tickets in that city[true story].

I wrote my congressman, Joe Courtney and my senators, my congressman actually sent me a letter back.  It’s a form letter telling me I don’t understand law and he is just trying to protect americans.  I highlighted the portions of the bill that I have problems with and explained why and told him if he voted for this bill then I would not be voting for him.  That was weeks ago, I don’t expect a reply.  I have not gotten a reply from either Blumenthal or Lieberman and I’m not holding my breath.  It saddens me that as a voter I’m basically told I don’t count, am too stupid to understand law and am just simply ignored.  This isn’t how the world works, people have a voice and we will make our voice heard.

How?  By blacking out the internet tomorrow.  Goodbye wikipedia, good by all those fun blogs you like to read.  The net is going dark… I’ll be fine, I have a lot of comics to read till it’s over.  What will you be doing?

  • What is SOPA and PIPA?  Why should I be against it?
  • How can you help?
  • Didn’t I read that Obama is going to promise to veto this?
    • Yeah because he promised to veto NDAA too, (even worse of a bill), oh wait, he signed that into law, didn’t he?
  • How do I blackout my website?

(I want to thank Tabitha Grace Smith and Mathew Wayne Selznick for helping me find tools to make blackout/strike easy for me, and everyone else trying to get the word out)