Nutty Bites: Episode 04 for April 2011

A little late, yes, but worth it.  The episode runs a bit long too, oops.

If you want to join in on the discussion please visit the forums.

“A good Soundtrack does not Jim Carry forgive.”

EP 04

What’s Awesome in the Month of April?

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Two for the price of one!

PG Holyfield as Pop Art
Two daily creativities for the price of one!  Normally I space out these Pop Art pieces, but today I wanted to get these two done because I was asked for them for a timely project. As it was, I got the request while I was working on yesterday’s Pop Art.  Also, since this is the last day of Lent, I didn’t mind (guess that makes up for the day I missed?)

Today’s pop art is featuring Mr PG Holyfield, author, podcaster, webpersonality, friend to dragons and all around fun guy.  I first met PG at Balticon and continued chatting with him over twitter and following along his projects.  Damn you Holyfield, I did not declare about Murder at Avadon Hill, because I listened to the podcast that never ends, after it ended.  I loved it of course and am totally digging his Tales from the Children series too.  Now I’m on a podcast with PG called Beyond the Wall, a Game of Thrones Podcast, and I’m having a blast doing it.

Chooch as Pop Art
We also have Mr Chooch done in the pop art style. I first met Chooch through our work on Buffy Between the Lines, then met up finally at a Sigler book signing (I think we got killed on the Crypt together too) and continue to meet up at Balticon every year. Chooch co-hosts Into the Blender, a podcast he does with his wife Viv about blended families and co-parenting, and they also produced the former podcast, the City of Heroes podcast. A fun guy to have on twitter, and now also working on the Beyond the Wall podcast with me and we are just having fun there.

Smoran8m full of smiles

smoran8m as Pop Art
I love this picture, and the subject.  When my sister asked me to create pop art of her using this photo I was so happy.  The picture is from a trip she made up to Canada to see where I live.  We had a lot of fun and there is something about grabbing a photo of her in full laugh/smile that I just love.  Of course I had to make the main colors purple, as I love green she loves purple.

You might know smoran8m from twitter or from, she has some pretty witty things to say and share and totally worth following.

More puffy superheros

DC Bat Puffs, Batgirl, Batman, & Robin
So yesterday I drew this, and I thought it was really cute, so I had to make it in vector, and it’s still really cute but I think I like the colored pencil version better. Tell me what you think?



DC justice Puffs JLA
In addition to the BatPuffs I made some of the other Justice League members.  They’re pretty darned cute I think.