Now we have the next installment of the Red Dwarf Introcast crew as the Red Dwarf characters, Paul as Lister. I feel like I could add more bits to his jacket, but really it gets more stuff and more beat up as the series goes on and I don’t want to spoil anything.
Category Archives: art
Daily Creativity: Move Your Body – Yoga Edition
A lot of times when I am looking for inspiration I use image from the internet as my models, tonight I was inspired by this post on Chubby Bunnies to make a fun Move Your Body graphic. It makes me miss yoga, I really loved yoga and I’d like to get back to it. I have done some on the wii fit, but that’s not the same as real yoga. I really want to find a yoga class in my area and do this again. I love these models, love seeing women like me doing yoga. I want to make this a poster and put it on my wall till I find a yoga studio.
Daily Creativity: Heath as Rimmer
A while ago I got this idea of drawing the Red Dwarf IntroCast crew as the characters from Red Dwarf. I have been so busy that I haven’t had time to do it yet, I had to push it aside when I got busy with paid work. Now, I am starting it, and doing pieces as part of my Daily Creativity Project.
This is Heath as the role of Rimmer :)
Daily Creativity: He-Man Puff
Half the time I am looking for inspiration, tonight, I decided I wanted to do one of my puff characters, so I asked twitter who I should do. @Cynical_Woman was the first to chime in, she asked me to do He-Man. It’s been a long time since I drew He-Man, so I had to look him up, and how his sword looks, but…. By the power of Grayskull, I did it. :)