Daily Creativity: Not Again

not-again_smThis piece was really meant for Monday, even though I drew it on Tuesday.  In honor of Douglas Adam’s birthday.  I think one of my favorite running gags is the sperm whale and the bowl of petunias, and who they turn out to be.  The whale, wondering if that thing coming towards him (the ground) will be friendly and the petunias thinking “Not Again.”

I drew and painted this on my iPad, I liked being able to mix the painting tools with the pen tools to get a striking effect.

Daily Creativity: Malory Deville

Malory Archer as Cruella DevilleWhile recording an interview today with The Way of the Buffalo Podcast, Hugh was asking me about my Daily Creativity project.  I was telling him about the Tinkerpam drawing I did and it gave Tek a light bulb idea.  Malory Archer as Cruella Deville!  Much like Tinkerpam, this is a perfect fit.  I even tried to give her coat the coloring of Duchess, her beloved dog.  I’m really impressed with what I did here, I was afraid I couldn’t draw Malory so well, or if I did, she wouldn’t look Cruella like at all, but I think she looks great.  I can see myself drawing all the different characters from Archer as different Disney characters now, the trick is figuring out who is who.

Daily Creativity: Tinkerpam

TinkerPamI love the show Archer.  The first time I watched it, it was OK, but it’s one of these shows that the more you watch it, the funnier it is.  There are a lot of in jokes and call backs, and if you ever watched Arrested Development, you’re going to like this show, because half the actors and characters are in it.  Seriously, Mallory Archer is the Mrs. Bluth!

One of my favorite characters has become Pam.  She’s awesome, she’s not afraid to be who she is, say whatever she feels like saying, and she kicks ass, literally.  Like in old car parks for money…

I drew her as Tinkerbell because she is anything but, and I found it funny.  Also, she has the same hair style, and color, plus, she can pull it off.  Pam is my hero.

I don’t know what defines something as fanart, or not.  Are James Hance’s creations fan art, or just a James Hance?  Is this fan art, or a Nuchtchas creation?  Or is it both?  I never understand these labeling rules… I hate labels.

Daily Creativity: Mirror

LOVE YOURSELFHere is last night’s Daily Creativity, slow on uploading happens sometimes when I turn the computer off for the night.  I was inspired to make this when I read a post about people and how they see themselves in the mirror.  We often see art of people looking in the mirror and seeing something other than reality.  What if there were images of people looking in the mirror, seeing what’s really there, and loving every bit of it.  I liked that idea, it goes along with the saying “Look in the mirror every day and find one thing you like about yourself.”  That practice has helped me out a lot.

Daily Creativity: Shane as Holly

RDShaneHere we have the last installment of the Red Dwarf IntroCast crew… well the last individual portrait, I may create a group shot of all four.

Shane is very fitting as Holly, he has all the facts and was originally the only veteran viewer, so he knew more than the newbies.  Plus, Shane is a politician, so it makes sense that he can have an IQ of 6,000 and sometimes get confused where in space he is :P

I couldn’t make Shane bald here to match Norman Lovett, but I couldn’t make him blonde to match Hattie Hayridge either, his own hair is just way too cool.