I have an art project done for today (saturday march 19) but I haven’t scanned it yet. It came from a late night joke and it’s really late right now so rather than watch the sun rise I’m going to bed. I’ll scan it tomorrow.

Hints: it’s a mashup of something truly awesome and something hipsters tend to “think” is awesome. It’s in color (color pencils FTW!) and fun :)

See you tomorrow

Daily Creativity: VJ Day Kiss

VJ Day Kiss
Today’s drawing is inspired by the famous VJ Day kiss image, well actually by the one with a storm trooper, but I didn’t draw the storm trooper, but the classic one.  There’s something about this image that intrigues me.  While it boasts the happiness of victory that I will never know, it’s iconic and speaks to me.  I love seeing all of the incarnations of this image, one of my favorites is from The Watchmen when The Silhouette replaced the Navy man :)

Daily Creativity: Rory on St. Patrick’s Day

Rory wishes you a happy ST Patty's Day
What else could I draw on St. Patrick’s Day, also more well known as Dragon Appreciation Day, but my favorite dragon in the whole world, Rory :) Notice he is wearing a shamrock shirt, to reward myself for drawing the little dude I’m enjoying a shamrock shake, these things rule.

You can follow Rory on Twitter at @RorysaysRAWR

Daily Creativity: Doctor Ten

Doctor Ten
If I were asked to draw The Doctor, I think I might have just drawn eleven, not for any reason other then he is the current doctor.

The whole “my doctor” thing isn’t really true in my case. I don’t have a one doctor, I love so many of them, and not just the new ones. I think that’s what’s so great about Doctor Who, he’s the same man, but changes and well for someone with ADD that’s pretty ideal.