About Nuchtchas

Self proclaimed Artist, Dreamer, RolePlayer, The Podcast NINJA!, Gamer, Klingon, Walking Corruption and Geek Queen, Nuchtchas is the owner and operator of NIMLAS Studios with the life goal of highlighting the awesome and good in the world and to spread the love of all things geek!

Nutty Bites 188: Your Heroes are Trash!

Your Heroes are Trash!

Nutty Bites 188: Your Heroes are Trash!

Your Heroes are Trash, aka problematic heroes. We got together to discuss some leading role and supposed heroes that are just gross people. Characters who shouldn’t be looked up to, but we are told we should be rooting for them and identifying with them. Do these portrayals tell us more about the writers? Or us as a society for turning them into heroes?

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).


Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Jen, Jason, & Vox
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 187: World Builders or Creators of Worlds

World Building or Creators of Worlds

Nutty Bites 187: World Builders or Creators of Worlds

We wanted to honor the people that built the worlds our imaginations live in. People like Syd Mead created worlds that made the fiction we love so much better. Come along for the ride as we dive into different World Builders. Who built the worlds you live in?

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).


Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Jason, & Vox
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 186: Plot Twist! They’re Dating!

Plot Twist! They’re Dating!

Nutty Bites 186: Plot Twist! They're Dating!

Plot Twist! They’re dating is all about shipping and slash in our fiction! Nutty, Tek, Jen, and Jason got together and went through some classic pairings as well as modern ones. Who is your OTP?

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).

The Bathtub Mermaid

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Jason, & Jen
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 185: Villains (from media we have been consuming)


Nutty Bites Villains

We’ve done a show about our Favorite Villains, but that was 9 years ago. So we decided to yell at each other for over an hour about villains we love from media we have been consuming lately.

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Tek, Jason, & Vox
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 184: Black Lightning S1-3 In Depth feelings

Black Lightning

Black Lightning Nutty Bites

We watched Black Lightning, we binged it, so we had to bring you all of our feelings. Listen to Nutty, Jason, and Vox take a DEEEEEEEP dive into this show.

You can now support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and you get special episodes like Nutty Bites after Dark and special bonus content; a thank you read on the podcast; and your promo or the promo of your choice played on the show (like in this episode).

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Creative Commons License
Hosts: Nuchtchas, Jason, & Vox
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942