About Nuchtchas

Self proclaimed Artist, Dreamer, RolePlayer, The Podcast NINJA!, Gamer, Klingon, Walking Corruption and Geek Queen, Nuchtchas is the owner and operator of NIMLAS Studios with the life goal of highlighting the awesome and good in the world and to spread the love of all things geek!

Nutty Bites 251: Graphic Novels as Literature

Nutty Bites 251: Graphic Novels as Literature

Graphic Novels have been around since the 70s but often are not given the credit they deserve for the artistic merits they can contain. Like all written work, graphic novels can also be literature. Nutty, Tek, and Vox got together to share their feelings on this medium.

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 250: Shows that only got 1 season, and should have had more

Nutty Bites 250: Shows that only got 1 season, and should have had more

Too many shows only had 1 season, and needed more. Nutty, Tek, Jason, and Vox sat down and talked about some of their favorite. What are some 1 season shows you wish got more?

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites 249: Geek Skills for your Resume

Nutty Bites 249: Geek Skills for your Resume

Geek Skills are not just for your hobby, they can help you land a job and be better at your job. Sometimes your job skills will help you in your geek life too. There is a lot of crossover from gaming, conventions, podcasting, and being a part of fandom that has value outside of those activities. In this episode Nutty and Tek touch on how they have used their skills in their day jobs, but also how one could promote themselves by talking about these skills.

You can support Nutty Bites by donating to the Patreon campaign, through paypal or venmo (nuchtchas@gmail.com) or through any other method. Patrons get the private RSS feed where you get shows before the main feed and a thank you read on the podcast. Alternatively you can donate to the charity of your choice in honor of Nutty Bites and either put in my email for the thank you or send a screenshot of your donation to me, and I will read your name out on the podcast and thank you.

Recorded at NIMLAS Studios
Post Editing:  Nuchtchas
Music Licensed from Jerden Cooke
Creative Commons License
Nutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

The Muppet Show – Nutty Bites DDoP 2023

The Muppet Show - Nutty Bites DDoP 2023

The Muppet Show is an old favorite, and tonight I watched the episode with Glenda Jackson and Señor Wences and it was a hoot! I love a good classic and it was a good way to finish out the dog days of podcasting for 2023, surrounded by old friends.

Welcome to dog days of podcasting for 2023, where podcasters from around the world do a podcast a day for the month of august. I really suggest you listen to the main RSS feed.

Creative Commons LicenseNutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Listen and Support on Patreon

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

I Know What You Did Next Xmas (Futurama) – Nutty Bites DDoP 2023

I Know What You Did Next Xmas (Futurama) - Nutty Bites DDoP 2023

Futurama is knocking it out of the park again with this new season, and this week’s episode did not disappoint.

Welcome to dog days of podcasting for 2023, where podcasters from around the world do a podcast a day for the month of august. I really suggest you listen to the main RSS feed.

Creative Commons LicenseNutty Bites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Listen and Support on Patreon

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942