Daily Creativity: Corset

I like corsets, I love them in fact. I’m not a fan of squishing our insides and deforming a woman’s body, but there is something about the occasional corset wear and the style that appeals to me. I love the laces down the back, I think they look great. I don’t care what size you are, a corset always looks good, on women, men, everyone.

So today I drew this, not sure who she is, but I love her braid.

Daily Creativity: My Candy :)

My Candy
This is my kitty who lives in New York.  When I loved with my sister and niece we adopted her, when I moved away she stayed with them.  Every time I come to visit my kitty gives me love and makes me smile.  Now Candy isn’t a very affectionate kitty, she will actually meow like a screen door creaking as if giving commands to strangers and other people who don’t live there, like my mom.  Even with us three she’s not that affectionate.  She’s not mean or anything, its just that she has other things on her mind, like hunting down birds, or baby bunnies or at times rabbits that are bigger then her.  So when I get love and affection from my cat it warms my heart because I know it’s special.  Yesterday when she came in to find me here she spent a good fifteen minutes snuggling and letting me pet her.  She didn’t even hiss or chase off the other cats like she normally does when they come in the room.  Eventually though she couldn’t resist the temptation and had to put Romeow in his place.

Daily Creativity: Tired Nutty was Tired, and hallucinated a fanged squid creature

Fanged Squid... I don't know
Yeah not sure what this is other then to call it a whatnot (A whatnot is a term Jim Henson came up with for muppets without names or identifiable species)

I drove from NS, Canada to NY, USA yesterday, so when I got to my sister’s house I wasn’t keen on much of anything. Still before bed I took out my sketch pad and drew this, I just wasn’t hunting down the scanner and uploading it. Still, here you are, late, but not forgotten. (yeah I post dated this)

Daily Creativity: Resting… a daily creativity that’s wee bit late

Daily Creativity: Resting
I drew this earlier today, meaning I drew it midday April 4th for April 4th.  I scanned it while packing to make a 20 hour road trip down to NY and then somehow never uploaded it before I left.  I realized that while I was on the Transcanada Highway (Follow the only road) and had a big ‘ol Doh! moment.

So now I’m sitting in a truck stop parking lot in Maine, leeching the wifi provided by Irving and uploading.

Ahh my glamorous life.

As for the picture, when my husband saw it he kept asking me who it was.  I don’t know who it is.  He did ask in the early stages if it was my niece (Swan) and while I saw a hint of that, I think after I added the color the resemblance left the picture.

Yes, I still don’t know who this is.