So this Daily Creativity thing is what I’m doing for Lent. Sure I started it last year, continued it a bit over the year, and back in full effect this year. Lent is when I MUST do it ever day, it’s my way of stopping everything and doing something to help me get closer to Him. So, now that you have the back story, I will give you a bit about the inspiration for this image. Today is the first Friday in Lent, now in most Catholic homes that means no meat, you’re not supposed to have meat on Lenten Fridays, so instead, most people have fish. In my house fish was great, everyone loved it and we lived on Long Island so fish is kinda our thing. Granted the idea behind no meat is that meat is a luxury, and in the older days it was cheaper to have fish or no meat, today, fish costs more then beef so it’s a little silly. Now I don’t skip meat on Lenten Fridays, I could, I could just have pasta without meat, my husband isn’t a fish eater but he’d be fine with that, but as an adult, it just isn’t one of the practices I keep. I don’t know how it started, probably because of price, or laziness or part of my whole figuring out my faith days, but it’s just not something that brings me closer to Him so it’s not a practice that I keep. (I also have memories of putting coins in a jar in the middle of the dinning room table for the poor on Fridays, I think that was a Friday thing.)
Still, Fish, it sticks in your head.
So with that in my head I did a fish piece, I had fun with this, I wonder if Fridays will be Fish Art Day?
Colored Pencils
Also this is the First Friday of Lent, and also the last page in this sketch book, which is odd. I have many sketch books, I don’t often finish one, not to the very last page. Normally I get close, but never fill it, not sure what that’s all about.
So I went to some of my other sketch books, gathering them so I have something in reach to grab tomorrow and I found some really old sketches, it was like taking a trip down memory lane. Made me miss a few things, brought up a few old wounds but mostly made me nostalgic and happy.
Today I also finally went out and got some supplies. See here is the thing, I have been very spoiled. For close to a decade I have not had to buy canvas, terp or gesso because I found a going out of business art store and bought a huge roll of canvas and terp and everything. Now, that’s all run out. So today I went to the fabric store and bought 6 meters of canvas, didn’t cost that much, have to say, cheaper the last price I saw at Pearl Paint. From the hardware store, a bottle of natural paint thinner that is supposed to be orderless (and is) can be poured down the drain, safe for the environment and OK for pets and kids, so if I pet licks at my brushes they won’t die. I think that’s kinda neat, it also is supposed to condition the brushes, wonder if that works. Some primer to use as gesso (My friend @Gutshot said it would work :) and on my return trip heavy duty staples because I ran out of those too. I have stretched my canvas, and while I thought I had TONS of stretchers, I had enough for 3, I have a few mismatched stretchers, worse then single socks I tell you. I put the first coat of gesso on them, will do a second and sand if need be, but so far they look good. Man, I got me some fine canvas, I have to say, and I could geek out over materials but I am sure I lost many of my readers by now.
Anyway, long story short, it was good to get some much needed materials and hopefully soon I can get some paintings posted here. Have to say, preparing the canvas took a little longer then I remembered, but, I blame most of that on running out of staples.