Nutty Bites: Dog Days of Podcasting 12

CoverArtDDP12Dog Days of Podcasting Episode 12 is where I give advice to my 16 year old self and yo all of you who still don’t think you’re worth loving.  Love yourself, you deserve it, you are worthwhile, you are special and beautiful.

Promos played

  • Hole Behind Midnight



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

Nutty Bites: Dog Days of Podcasting 11

CoverArtDDP11Dog Days of Podcasting Episode 11, we made it to our new town and decided that it is clear we are in Ontario.  We give you a list of ways you can know your in ontario.  We also saw Guardian’s of the Galaxy, don’t worry, no spoilers, just reactions.

Promos played



(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942