Nuchtchas & Tek were interviewed on The Way of the Buffalo

OctoberlogoresizefinalHugh and Pat from the Way of the Buffalo podcast interviewed Nuchtchas and Tek.  It was a lot of fun for us, but also the first interview with Hugh’s new co-host Pat.  I am really digging the new format, after you listen to this episode, go to his site and listen to the following interviews.  They get some pretty big names and these interviews are fun and feel more like chats.

Short Fiction isn’t dead, it’s just going the way of the buffalo.

Nutty Bites 41: Nutty Debate – Best way to gain super powers

CoverArt41What’d the best way to gain super powers?  Let’s ask out panel


We had a blast, but I kept dropping out of the call.  Look later in the week for a bonus episode of nothing but me dropping off google plus, it’s pretty funny.  Have a listen and tell us what you think the best way to gain super powers would be in the comments!


  • The Nut Gallery
  • Strangely Literal

(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

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