Nutty Bites Dog Days 22: Nutty Chats with Robin

CoverArtDD1522Nutty Chats with Robin from the iZombie podcast, the Defenders podcast, FisherCast, and RedemptionCast. They talk about podcasting, TV, and Hale Berry.


  • The Fantasticast


(347) NUTTY42 or (347) 688-8942

More puffy superheros

DC Bat Puffs, Batgirl, Batman, & Robin
So yesterday I drew this, and I thought it was really cute, so I had to make it in vector, and it’s still really cute but I think I like the colored pencil version better. Tell me what you think?



DC justice Puffs JLA
In addition to the BatPuffs I made some of the other Justice League members.  They’re pretty darned cute I think.