Any night sweats? Terrors? Suddenly not knowing simple facts because you couldn’t look them up on Wikipedia? The Anti SOPA/PIPA blackout was interesting for me at least. I saw a few sites that said they would go black but didn’t, I attribute most of that to mistakes made in coding and one site I know believes the report that SOPA is dead.
- There were a lot of confused people thinking we were talking about soap but spelling ti wrong.
- Some supporters of SOPA/PIPA called us names and claimed the blackout was a gimmick
- A lot of sites only blacked out their US websites
- A lot of memes were created today
- several websites had great blackout messages (I think my favorite is the Oatmeal)
- Two co-sponsors of the bill have withdrawn their support and other backers in congress have stepped back (I refrain from giving a number because this may increase, I hope)
- I really enjoyed this article from the BBC, it even has screen caps of all the sites that went dark (I didn’t realize I could make all my flickr images black for the day, that would have been cool)
Would SOPA/PIPA have passed if we didn’t do this today? Maybe, maybe not. Now we will never know since it is clear we have made a change. It took a day of people wanting to leave GoDaddy for them to change their mind and half a day of the internet to black out to shake the co-founders, I will call this a win. Still, let’s not think we won completely, the bills are still out there and they have supporters and lot of money behind it.