Nutty Bites 90 Bloopers – This has nothing to do with Fan Entitlement

Nutty Bites 90 Bloopers - This has nothing to do with Fan Entitlement Nutty Bites 90 Bloopers – This has nothing to do with Fan Entitlement

Bloopers are fun right? I hope so, these are funny to me at least. I even cut some stuff from this round of bloopers because it went a little too OPSEC. Still, enjoy listening to us, and well Jason can gab can’t he? In this round of bloopers you hear how pigs can be jerks [sic] and how much they love marshmallows. Enjoy! (there was a lot of editing in this one too, so much swearing, I hope I got it all out)

I also thanks all the patrons who made this episode possible. If you’d like to contribute go to my Patreon Page and donate to the show and next month I’ll be thanking you. Thanks!


  • Talk Nerdy 2 Me Podcast Halloween of Horror


Nutty Bites 90: Fan Entitlement

Nutty Bites Fan EntitlementNutty Bites 90: Fan Entitlement

Fan Entitlement is a thing, so Nuchtchas, Tek, Jason Banks, and Jared Axelrod got together to talk about it. From being called a Nazi for wearing a Capt. America cosplay to demanding a rewrite of a favorite game. Do your favorite celebrities owe you full attention and conversation, or anything at all? Can you separate a character from a cosplay? Is it ok for you to demand your favorite author to write faster? How about talking about a creators health as if they owe you health at all? How about when a fan gets so excited they bite a celebrity? There are things that are awesome about the deep connection fans have to their fandoms and then there is the scary side. We get into that scary side in a lighthearted panel discussion.


Thanks to all the patrons who made this episode possible. If you’d like to contribute go to my Patreon Page and donate to the show and next month I’ll be thanking you. Thanks!


  • Talk Nerdy 2 Me Podcast Halloween of Horror
