Daily Creativity: Seiza (from tuesday)

seiza_smTuesday is an aikido night, so I find myself influenced by it when I’m painting. Last night I painted in watercolor a person in seiza, the way we kneel/sit in class. I had fun with this and worked on making it gender neutral. Painting in ArtRage on the iPad. 2/24/2015

Daily Creativity: Love your Body (from monday)

love-your-body-18smAnother painting in the Love Your Body series, and because my fashion group’s theme this week is pink, I painted her pink.  I painted this monday, but didn’t get around to uploading it or making a post for it today. Art Rage app on iPad. 2/23/2015

Daily Creativity: Love Your Body

LoveYourBody17smI have brought back the Love Your Body series with last night’s painting. I painted this using the art rage ipad app and my stylus brush and stylus. I like the mood of this pose, the idea of a woman holding herself. 2/21/2015