Daily Creativity: Tai No Henko Ni – 95 degree pivot
Tai No Henko Ni is the second of the basic movements in Yoshinkan Aikido. In english we call it 95 degree pivot, it is used when uke is pushing on you and you need to get out of the way to let uke follow that energy. I know this looks a lot like Tai No Henko Ichi, but that makes sense because most of these movements we start in a classic kamae stance, and end in an altered stance, but still kamae because everything is on the center line. The difference here is the figure is lower to the ground, knees bent more, and hands at a different position. Yes, you may have to be an aikinerd to see the difference, yes I am that aikinerd. The photo I used this time was not someone I knew personally, but someone from the hombu dojo.
Ink on Paper.