Nutty Bites 71: Claire & Nutty watch Harold and Maude

CoverArt71Nuchtchas and Claire watch Harold and Maude and then talk about it. Claire leads Nuchtchas through one of her favorite movies as Nutty gets to see what it’s like to be a newbie. You may know Claire from Intro to X, The Twin Peaks Podcast, CarnyCast, or her newest show, The Defender’s podcast.

This file doesn’t have the audio from the movie in it, if you’d like the movie’s audio, look further in the feed for a file with the audio.


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2 thoughts on “Nutty Bites 71: Claire & Nutty watch Harold and Maude

  1. Oh my goodness, I have not seen this movie since I was in college. I had just about forgotten about it. So many weird and strange memories around the movie and the first time I watched.

    It is like watching the Monkey’s without any of the zany music, and of course any of the Monkey’s, but otherwise just the same. I remember sitting in the dorm common room thinking, what the heck am I watching. Why… What.. How? I just don’t get it. and well, that is one way to do things.

    It was an odd experience and one that will likely stick with me for a long time (25 years already.)

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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