Nutty Bites 63: Favorite Female Superheroes!

CoverArt63Join Nuchtchas, Claire, Angela, & Heather, as they discuss their favorite female superheroes!  We get into our favorites from comic books, our favorites from outside of comics, what makes a good female superhero, some new superheroes, and what can we do to get more females in our movies, books, and toys.

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5 thoughts on “Nutty Bites 63: Favorite Female Superheroes!

  1. I loved this debate! I just have two things to add:
    My favorite Marvel hero of the moment is Hawkeye: Kate Bishop just kicks so much ass, everywhere she turns up. She’s the best.
    Also, you didn’t touch on video games really, but what do you think about Samus Aran?

  2. I totally agree that Halle Berry was a bad choice to play Storm in the X-Men movies. I’ve always imagined Storm as a tall, fairly muscular woman with very dark skin that contrasts strongly with her white hair and a powerful voice with a thick African accent. Storm was revered as a goddess among her people before she joined the X-Men, so I imagine she’s a very imposing figure. Basically, she’s the opposite of Halley Berry. (Halley Berry was actually quite good in the role of a member of a superhero team, but she should have played a different one.)

    I liked the Wonder Woman discussion, but I wish you had discussed her portrayal in the Justice League cartoons, where she can fly and is almost as powerful as Superman. Also, I still don’t know what to make of the Season 3 Episode 5 storyline in which she got turned into a pig (with silver anklets) and ran away and ended up in a slaughterhouse and very nearly got turned into bacon. I can’t decide if that was disrespecting the character, and possibly even offensive to women, or if it was genius writing, but I would have loved to hear it discussed.

  3. tvindy we could have talked forever about wonder woman I think, I think there could be a whole show on her. I never liked the pig idea, but I didn’t really read it, the pig storyline just turned me off. So I’d have to read it to really form an opinion. What has been done to her character in the past is a point of upset for me, and something I had to defend for years. Being told she was weak because she lost her powers and became a bimbo (their words, not mine) infuriated me because people blamed wonder woman for what the writers did, how they writers used her to “put women in their place” after world war ii. At least that argument seems to be gone these days, thankfully.
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  4. That’s interesting. I didn’t know the pig story was adapted from a comic book storyline. I may have to check that out someday.

    It sounds like you know a lot more about Wonder Woman than I do and have a lot to say about her. If you ever do dedicate an episode just to discussing her, I would enjoy listening.
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