Remember I ran a contest this summer for The WEIRD Show? Yeah well it was not forgotten, the winner was picked just after DragonCon, it was Zackmann. He and I corresponded back and forth so I could draw inspiration from him, and then I was able to create a painting for him. I did this and finished it and actually mailed it just after Halloween. I waited on updating the blog till I heard from him that he got it… then I just plum forgot to get back and update. Mark the Encaffeinated ONE even remind me, and then I procrastinated and never updated the blog. Tonight though, I remembered!
So here I give you, the prize that is now in Zackmann‘s home
All in all I have to say the whole contest experience was really nice, and personally it pushed me to get my act in gear and create. I need to do that more often. We all know the line “I should be writing,” but for me it is “I should be painting.” (Or drawing, or sketching, or shooting, or sculpting or something like that.)