Welcome to the Pride Landian Empire!

"There's Always Work at the PLE"


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Statistics: The PLE System is located in the triangle bordering Federation, Klingon and Romulan Space. Only one planet of it's solar system can support life. Starbase 23 is within transporter range of Pridelandia. Pridelandia has transporter shielding, only one terminal is available to the public and is located in the capital city. Qo'noS is a day's travel by starship.

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Here is an album of pictures and sites you might see on a visit to Pridelandia
The Great watering hole in the Falst Desert. Famed to be able to sustain the 16th Generation during the Great Drought. The Mythical Horseshoe Crab shaped watering hole, thought to be a reminder sent by Aslan so the Pridelandian would not forget all Life.
The Landing Site of the North Star. The Imprintations can still be seen as the marsh never grew back the same in all these Centuries since. A common stop on any tourists trip around the PLE. The Writh Tree, a Tree grown from the seed of the First Tree. The First Tree was symbol of hope to early Settlers, a sign they would survive on the planet and were welcome. The PLE Symbol bears a Leaf of the first tree.
Marshland, since the PLE is mostly made of water there are many Marshes, fall is the best time to sight see these marshes. Cattails blowing in the wind down on the Atlantic shore just before sunset. There is not a dusk that goes unwatched on the PLE
A view of sunset over the Ocean. A View of Sunrise over the Marsh.




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