MPAT presents Mad Advent Mayhem 2019 Episode 07

Episode 7!

Welcome to Dog Days Of Advent 2019, MPAT studios presents another round of Mad Movie Mayhem! The boys in the booth over at MPAT studios have so much fun playing Mad Movie Mayhem they can’t stop. The difference for the month of December is these will all be scenes from the greatest Christmas movies ever. A few minor changes this round, if you want to be a  participant in this game all you, the listener, need do is private message the Master Piece Audio Theatre’s face book page, to get the most points, be the first to comment naming that movie.


Leader Board:

  1. Steven Pritchard 20 points
  2. Mike Wills 17 points
  3. Nutty Nuchtchas 17 Points
  4. Melissa Bartell 14 points
  5. Sonja Langejans 11 points
  6. Shane Pool 11 Points
  7. Mark Kilfoil 5 Points


If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to:

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms



MPAT presents Mad Advent Mayhem 2019 Episode 06

Episode 6!

Welcome to Dog Days Of Advent 2019, MPAT studios presents another round of Mad Movie Mayhem! The boys in the booth over at MPAT studios have so much fun playing Mad Movie Mayhem they can’t stop. The difference for the month of December is these will all be scenes from the greatest Christmas movies ever. A few minor changes this round, if you want to be a  participant in this game all you, the listener, need do is private message the Master Piece Audio Theatre’s face book page, to get the most points, be the first to comment naming that movie.


Leader Board:

  1. Steven Pritchard 38 points
  2. Mike Wills 37 points
  3. Nutty Nuchtchas 33 Points
  4. Shane Poole 23 Points
  5. Mark Kilfoil 19 Points
  6. Melissa Bartell 19 points
  7. Sonja Langejans 16 points
  8. Anne Freeman 6 Points


If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to:

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms



MPAT presents Mad Advent Mayhem 2019 Episode 05

Episode 5!

Welcome to Dog Days Of Advent 2019, MPAT studios presents another round of Mad Movie Mayhem! The boys in the booth over at MPAT studios have so much fun playing Mad Movie Mayhem they can’t stop. The difference for the month of December is these will all be scenes from the greatest Christmas movies ever. A few minor changes this round, if you want to be a  participant in this game all you, the listener, need do is private message the Master Piece Audio Theatre’s face book page, to get the most points, be the first to comment naming that movie.


Leader Board:

  1. Steven Pritchard 38 points
  2. Mike Wills 37 points
  3. Nutty Nuchtchas 33 Points
  4. Shane Poole 23 Points
  5. Mark Kilfoil 19 Points
  6. Melissa Bartell 19 points
  7. Sonja Langejans 16 points
  8. Anne Freeman 6 Points

If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to:

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms



MPAT presents Mad Advent Mayhem 2019 Episode 04

Episode 4!

Welcome to Dog Days Of Advent 2019, MPAT studios presents another round of Mad Movie Mayhem! The boys in the booth over at MPAT studios have so much fun playing Mad Movie Mayhem they can’t stop. The difference for the month of December is these will all be scenes from the greatest Christmas movies ever. A few minor changes this round, if you want to be a  participant in this game all you, the listener, need do is private message the Master Piece Audio Theatre’s face book page, to get the most points, be the first to comment naming that movie.


Leader Board:

  1. Steven Pritchard 29 points
  2. Mike Wills 27 points
  3. Nutty Nuchtchas 25 Points
  4. Shane Poole 17 Points
  5. Sonja Langejans 16 points
  6. Mark Kilfoil 15 Points
  7. Melissa Bartell 14 points
  8. Anne Freeman 6 Points

If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to:

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms



MPAT presents Mad Advent Mayhem 2019 Episode 03

Episode 3!

Welcome to Dog Days Of Advent 2019, MPAT studios presents another round of Mad Movie Mayhem! The boys in the booth over at MPAT studios have so much fun playing Mad Movie Mayhem they can’t stop. The difference for the month of December is these will all be scenes from the greatest Christmas movies ever. A few minor changes this round, if you want to be a  participant in this game all you, the listener, need do is private message the Master Piece Audio Theatre’s face book page, to get the most points, be the first to comment naming that movie.


Leader Board:

  1. Steven Pritchard 20 points
  2. Mike Wills 17 points
  3. Nutty Nuchtchas 17 Points
  4. Melissa Bartell 14 points
  5. Sonja Langejans 11 points
  6. Shane Pool 11 Points
  7. Mark Kilfoil 10 Points

If you’d like to contact us, please send your emails to:

Art work by Denise Lhamon, her work can be found on instagram @laymonsterms